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In the last four years, Extinction Rebellion has shifted public opinion on the climate and ecological emergency in a way that no other organisation or movement had managed before. Yet we remain locked in a dangerous and destructive status quo.

We realise that to achieve our vision of a genuinely sustainable and equitable future for people and the planet, a transformation of our political system, of our social culture, and of our economy is urgently needed. It is a view increasingly shared by parts of the establishment itself.

Our Theory of Change has long outlined how change can be achieved by mobilising people to take action on streets, day after day. But the climate and ecological crisis is unlike a traditional single issue, and presents us with a unique set of circumstances. The transformation needed will affect everyone, in all corners of the earth, in all aspects of their lives. Unlike a single issue campaign, to be successful we have to achieve not just sufficient numbers but also a wider spectrum of support across society.

So our attention, after the culmination of the first part of the strategy in April, is now also turning to who is being mobilised. Over the course of 2023-24, Extinction Rebellion UK will foster a new era of cooperation with other organisations, along with empowered local communities. This is the work that will build the social, political and cultural capital we need for this scale of change. We do not exist to build armies; instead, taking advantage of our unique strengths, we will work collaboratively with others to build a community of civil resistance. Following on from the success of ‘The Big One’, Extinction Rebellion UK will play a central role in convening and mobilising that community. We invite everyone. We will respect other views and approaches.

We recognise that the conditions for transformative change are more favourable now than at any time since XR’s inception. The moment has come.

Here comes everyone.