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The Moment

We find ourselves in a once-in-a-generation moment: a public awakening to the climate and ecological emergency coalescing with widespread social rage and a profound crisis of democracy.

“Come as you are, not as XR”

The Big One brought a wide variety of groups together; communities of all types and sizes, both local and national. The basis for these alliances must be an exercise in trust-building. These should not be coalitions of convenience, but sustainable relationships that reach across all divides, to drive change at a socially and culturally embedded level.

We are stronger together.

In addressing the climate and ecological emergency, a UK-wide Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice must determine a plan for the exit from fossil fuels, and for repairing the harm to communities and to nature. We envisage other UK-wide citizens' assemblies will follow on more climate, nature, social, and economic issues. If the government does not establish a citizens’ assembly, there is a proposal for one to be created by a coalition of movements. Should this be required, a specific cross-organisational project group will be established, of which XR could be a member.