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Online Group Chats

Mattermost, Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram - how to choose!
Set up and run a secure and effective XR group chat.

Quick comparison of the chat apps

Comparison of the drawbacks and benefits of Mattermost, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal. For more...

Choosing a messaging app for your XR group

If you want to create a group chat for your XR group, there are loads of different options and ma...

How to set up and run effective group chats

This Chapter is about setting up a group chat on Telegram, Signal and WhatsApp including the bene...

Keeping Group Chats secure

This chapter is about keeping Group Chats secure. It will describe the benefits and downsides in ...

Chat Etiquette for XR Group Chats

Here are a few Chat Etiquette Guidelines that are being used in XR Group Chats whether on Signal,...

Online Behaviour Guide

XR's Regenerative Culture We owe each other a duty of care to make our presence on our communicat...

How to find information in a group chat

You're pretty sure you've heard about a protest going on in Derby soon, but don't remember the de...