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Twitter / X

Twitter has recently been renamed X. This page is currently under construction 🏗️

In the meantime, you can access these (unchecked) resources:


We won't introduce the whole platform here, only the tools you might need.

  1. Notifications: other accounts have interacted with you (like, comments...)
  2. Messages: these are private, unless they are group messages (in that case they can only be read by group members)
  3. Profile: where you can see your previous posts, edit your profile picture etc.
  4. More: more options detailed below
  5. Post: create a post (ex tweet)
  6. What's Happening: was also known as Trending Topics, these are hot news and regularly change


  1. Lists: a very useful tool
  2. Settings & Privacy: where you can update your account (for example change your password)

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Create a post

You can add up to 280 characters to your post, spaces included, so choose wisely! You won't write on Twitter like you write on Facebook, you'll need to get to the point.

  1. Add up to 4 photos or a video (both best in square format) to grab people's attention.
  2. Add emojis
  3. Schedule your tweet if you need to
  4. Create a thread

Then press the blue button to post.

⚠️ You can't edit posted tweets (only delete them) so make sure to proofread your text before you click "post".

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