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Extinction Symbol

Design Core Design Programme

The symbol above represents extinction. The circle signifies the planet, while the hourglass ins...

Updated 1 month ago by Emma

Objection testing

XR UK Ways of Working and Constitution Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.7).] When a proposal is...

Updated 1 month ago by David Jennings

Considered Majority Vote for Roles in XR UK

XR UK Ways of Working and Constitution Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.5).] The steps in the p...

Updated 1 month ago by andrew holmes

The Advice Process

XR UK Ways of Working and Constitution Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.7).] The Advice Process...

Updated 1 month ago by David Jennings

Integrative Election Process for Roles in XR UK

XR UK Ways of Working and Constitution Constitution resources

[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.5).] 1. Discuss the role...

Updated 1 month ago by David Jennings

How to work things out (and help the movement work better)

SOS: making it work for you General SOS guidance

Every tension is a learning opportunity We talk about XR as an organism. Like all living organism...

Updated 1 month ago by David Jennings

Our XRUK Constitution

How We Work Together XR UK Constitution guides and resources

To achieve our demands and see real progress in tackling the climate and ecological emergencies, ...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

What next? Your ideal role

The Foundation Programme After the Foundation Programme

We hope the Foundation Programme has inspired you to volunteer either for a role in your nearest ...

Updated 1 month ago by Ned

Blue Plaques for Nature

Dirty Water

What are Blue Plaques? The iconic English Heritage blue plaques commemorate a notable person who...

Updated 1 month ago by Ned

Key Terms in SOS

SOS: making it work for you General SOS guidance

The Self-Organising System (SOS) is the decision-making process adopted by Extinction Rebellion (...

Updated 1 month ago by David Jennings

Why SOS? An introductory Q&A

SOS: making it work for you General SOS guidance

Please click each question to see the answer. Why do we have a Self-Organising System? XR’s te...

Updated 1 month ago by David Jennings

Editing Pages

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

The Rebel Toolkit was originally designed and a 'wiki' - a collaborative space for any rebel with...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

Embedding a video

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

Embed a video This is what you get if you go to YouTube, click share and copy the embed code: <if...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

Links to pages outside of the RT

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

A sensible distinction between internal (links to other parts of the RT) and external links to ot...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

Links to pages in Rebel Toolkit

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

Normally the URL (web address) of a page in the Rebel Toolkit includes the name of the book it is...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

Adding a Google document

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

If you have something useful in a Google document which you would like to make available on the R...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

Adding Images

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

To add an image to a page: Prepare a suitably-sized image. Most photos need their resolution re...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

Same page two + contributors

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

For those that may be working on a doc at the same time as another Rebel. If at the top of the p...

Updated 1 month ago by Kay

Extra Markdown Hints

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

Markdown is used to make headings, bold, bulleted lists etc on the Rebel Toolkit pages. This page...

Updated 1 month ago by Emma

Resizing Images

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

Why use smaller images? It saves on energy! Every pixel uses energy to be stored and shared so t...

Updated 1 month ago by Emma