Recently Updated Pages
Key Information
No insurance = no drilling and digging for oil, gas and coal. Be part of a major new nonviolent d...
What is Insure Our Survival?
Insure Our Survival is a national campaign to demand the insurance industry pull the plug on the...
Messaging pack for IoF
ARCHIVED BOOK - for latest campaign go to Insure our Survival **Insurance is the Achilles heel o...
Volunteer for Action Support at IoF
ARCHIVED BOOK - for latest campaign go to Insure our Survival Sign Up For Crew Roles We need Act...
How to get involved
ARCHIVED BOOK - for latest campaign go to Insure our Survival All of the information on how to g...
Why target Fossil Fuel Insurers?
ARCHIVED BOOK - for latest campaign go to Insure our Survival Why Insurance is Winnable (ie. Get...
Known Issues with Tech and Digital Tools
If your issue isn't here - this is how to contact Digital. Big Blue Button 1. Automatic closed ca...
Climate Crisis Quiz
This interactive quiz is designed to engage the public in thinking about the climate and ecologic...
Climate and Ecology Crisis Quiz
Take the Crisis Quiz online
Taking That First Step
Hello! You may have been motivated to join XR because you've decided that you must take action no...
Prepare for Action
Nonviolent Direct Action training has evolved! Prepare for Action [PfA] is now 1.5hrs, focusses o...
Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA)
Explore how nonviolence works, the action cycle, de-escalation and find your place in XR...........
Action Support Training
For all information on Action Support Training such as stewarding, well-being, roadtaking and mor...
Tech Support Sessions and Training
What is this session for? Tech can be a barrier for some! Are you struggling with tech and in pa...
SOS (Self Organising Systems)
What is this training about? SOS Training explains how XR uses its Self Organising System to orga...
What is this training about? Facilitation training is offered in three parts: Introduction to M...
OMBRA (Oppression, Movement Building & Our Relationship as Activists)
What is this training about? OMBRA looks at how movements can be divided when oppression goes un...
Know Your Rights
What is this training about? Know Your Rights provides essential information on your rights at pr...
Joining the Foundation Programme
To apply to the Foundation Programme via the Volunteer Website, click here. This course will dee...
Rebellion Academy
Online Training resources for Rebels to do in their own time, at their own pace. Short courses on...