Recently Updated Pages
Start Here
This is a 'Welcome and Onboarding' Tool for Integrators or Internal Coordinators from any Working...
Manage your Applications
Managing your applications Keeping up with your account shouldn't be too much of a chore! The web...
Integrator Resources
Integrator (Onboarder) training: Here's the link to the slides used in the Integrator Training s...
Resources for Local Group Recruitment
Join the Outreach Broadcast on Telegram. This is a 'broadcast' channel (no chat) listing upcoming...
Templates for Volunteer Website Role Adverts
To format your role ads on the Volunteer Website, you need to use something called HTML. Without ...
Inducting your new volunteer - flowchart
Advertise your roles on the Volunteer Website This website works just like a jobs board and aims to help volu...
Developing a Local Group
Depending on the size, skills, capacity and focus of your group, some of these will be more relev...
Why do we need new volunteers?
For a movement that aims to mobilise 3.5% of the population, that seems like a daft question! How...
Practice editing
Sandbox You can practice editing pages in the Sandbox - to view this book you need to be logged i...
Get involved in XRUK
Explore XR provides a solid understanding of our work and is useful for anyone simply looking to ...
Inviting People to your Group
You should use the Hub to invite new people to your group. This is because an invite to the Hub s...
Finding Your Course Schedule without a Hub Account
💚 Hello Students! Welcome to the Foundation Programme 💚 A day or two after you apply to the Found...
Zoom Sessions
This section describes the various Zoom sessions that you will find in the Foundation Programme, ...
Joining the Foundation Programme
To apply to the Foundation Programme via the Volunteer Website, click here. This course will dee...
Joining the Hub and Finding your Course Schedule
💚 Hello Students! Welcome to the Foundation Programme 💚 We have created a direct link to the Foun...
Zoom FAQs / Troubleshooting
Zoom Basics Helpful advice on using zoom is here on the Tech and Data shelf of the Rebel Toolkit ...
Street Scripts and other useful links
Before you start Please read the Access Guide to help make your talk inclusive, and the Guidance ...
Accessing the Tools Using a Smartphone or Tablet
Lots of rebels do not have access to a computer and instead rely on a smartphone or tablet to do ...
Prepare for Action (Nonviolent Direct Action)
NVDA has been replaced by Prepare for Action, a shorter training session which has less overlap w...