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Advertising your local group transport

Action Planning Planning the action

So you’ve booked your coach, that’s great! Perhaps you used the Organising Transport to Actions g...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

Organising coaches & other transport to actions

Action Planning Planning the action

Introduction Group transport to events and actions have many advantages. Much of the work and str...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

Access & inclusion checklist

Action Planning Planning the action

Before You Start Is everybody in the discussion aware of Extinction Rebellion's 'Principles and...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

Tidying up - physically and virtually

Action Planning After an action

Physical cleaning We work hard to minimise the environmental impact of our physical actions. Thi...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

On-the-ground coordination

Action Planning On the day

On-the-ground coordinators: Ideally you will have assigned someone to this role during the planni...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

How to do a recce

Action Planning Planning the action

Recce is another term for reconnaissance. At its most basic reconnaissance is preliminary surveyi...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

The Actions Community - Get help and advice

Action Planning First things first

Don't panic! You have reached this page because you want to drive change through action - the ver...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

Things to consider before you start

Action Planning First things first

Start simple If you are new to action planning, don’t try to run before you can walk. Start with ...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

Strategy & Guidance

Action Planning First things first

UK Actions Strategy 2024/25 Details of the current Actions Strategy can be found here: Action Str...

Updated 1 day ago by Risky

Messaging and comms

Action Planning Planning the action

There are two types of communication you may need to consider. Internal comms are those that are ...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Recruiting and coordinating rebels

Action Planning Planning the action

Recruitment Now that you have your basic action design and plan in place, you can work out what r...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Action design and outline plan

Action Planning Planning the action

So you have an idea for an action or have picked up an action design from the Design Ideas for Ac...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Get inspired!

Action Planning First things first

Look at XR’s rich history of actions Here’s a flavour of different actions to get your creative j...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Outreach Hubs

Outreach Methods and Materials Ways to do outreach

An Outreach Hub is a pop-up tent where you can find XR info and support, meet rebels, pick up vib...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Actions Outreach

Action Support

We reach out to the public to listen and connect. To encourage others to explore their own feeli...

Updated 1 day ago by Kay

Talking about the Crisis on the Street

Outreach Methods and Materials Ways to do outreach

When Nonviolent Civil Disobedience has been most effective, it has taken place on a foundation of...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Responding to difficult questions and hostile encounters

Outreach Methods and Materials

Talking to people on the street can be difficult! As well as asking some questions you don't know...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma


Outreach Methods and Materials Ways to do outreach

XR flyposting is putting up beautiful posters in public spaces to: advertise upcoming events pro...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Talking to Family and Friends

Outreach Methods and Materials Ways to do outreach

We know that personal connection is one of the most effective ways of changing people's perspecti...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma

Survey Boards

Outreach Methods and Materials Ways to do outreach

Survey boards are a great outreach method and have proved to be really effective and fun to use. ...

Updated 1 day ago by Emma