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Contact the Talks & Training team
If there's something we can add, remove or explain, please email us on pathways+tt@extinctionrebe...
Use of terms in groups that are not signed up to the constitution
Any person or group can organise autonomously and take action in the name and spirit of XR so lo...
XR UK Constitution (toolkit prototype)
The Self-Organising System Guiding & Empowering The Rebellion As updated 17 March 2023 We pursue...
Decision Making Processes
[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.7).] This page includes ...
Objection testing
[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.7).] When a proposal is...
Considered Majority Vote for Roles in XR UK
[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.5).] The steps in the p...
The Advice Process
[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.7).] The Advice Process...
Integrative Election Process for Roles in XR UK
[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.5).] 1. Discuss the role...
XR UK SOS — Constitution, Roles, Processes & Policies
Constitution A. Introduction B. Basic Principles C. The Self-Organising System XR UK Organism ...
Get in touch
General Info: Art Factory assets, banners & flags: XR Art...
Action Support Trainings (Resources)
Stewarding Training All resources shared in Stewarding Training can be found in the Stewarding pa...
Where to find Talks, Training and Workshops
For XRUK wide events - talks, training and workshops Movement Broadcast Telegram Broadcast Ma...
Follow-up information for Prepare for Action [NVDA] workshop attendees
Slides for Participants Hello! Thank you so much for coming to the Prepare for Action [Nonviolent...
Getting Active and Learning More
You can become involved with XR in several different ways. Just choose the way that suits you bes...
Ensuring your Actions are accessible as they can be
Quote from a disabled rebel: “Making actions accessible is the simple act of asking, What do you...
Data & Facts - Gaps: The Law, Makers & Breakers
This is a start in terms of learning where the power lies and where laws are being broken by thos...
Welcome to XR
Hello and Welcome! You may have been motivated to join us because you've decided that you must ta...
Data & Facts - Gaps: Seeking Nature Based Solutions?
Across the UK local planning regimes still leave much to be desired. For instance: Does your lo...
What to do if you registered but were unable to join?
Sorry that you were unable to come to our workshop. We missed you. Nonviolent Direct Action is on...
Where NVDA training fits in with your rebel journey
This is a quick explanation about the sessions, workshops and courses that are available for peop...