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54 total results found

The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums

The XR supported tools we use to communicate with other XR rebels.

Other Online Tech Tools

Commonly used digital tools which aren't covered in the other books on the Tech and Data shelf

Finance and Fundraising

Guidance for local group, regions and nations on all things financial.

Citizens' Assemblies

XR's central demand is a Citizens' Assembly for Climate and Ecological Justice, because party politics alone can’t give us the fair, long term solutions we all need.

Open Calls

'Show Notes' from XRUK Open Calls

Outreach Methods and Materials

Design Ideas for Actions

Creative and practical elements to add to your action designs. These elements can be used in actions focusing on a variety of issues. See 'Themes for Actions' for ideas that only work for one issue.

Arrestee and Legal Support

Music, Words and Performance

Get Involved!

UK Actions Strategy

XRUK Actions Strategies to increase participation in Nonviolent Direct Action to achieve our demands.

The Essentials

How We Work Together

Participating in Actions

Insure Our Future

ARCHIVED BOOK : Successful action targeting the global insurance industry is concentrated in the City of London in February 2024.

Starting & Developing your Local Group

Neurodiverse and Disabled Rebels Inclusion

Themes for Actions

This section of the Toolkit is a showcase of action ideas on themes. These are not necessarily full action packs, but are here to inspire and provide resources to build your own actions around the same themes. Check out the 'Current Campaigns' section of t...

Cut the Ties Campaign

Ongoing campaign targeting companies that underpin the fossil fuel industry, including lawyers, insurers, banks, engineers and more.

Dirty Water

Dive in! Take direct action to demand clean water: - Climate change and nature loss should inform planning nationally and locally - To treat water as a precious natural life-source - The creation of legal Rights of Nature for all natural entities - The end...