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Design Ideas for Actions

Creative and practical elements to add to your action designs. These elements can be used in actions focusing on a variety of issues. See 'Themes for Actions' for ideas that only work for one issue.

Design Elements Index

Index of the action design elements, grouped in categories to help you find what you need. Some i...

Design Elements

The long list of elements to include in your action design. See the index above for inspiration.

Banner Drop

Get advice from experienced rebels about banner drops: Join the Banner Drop Telegram group here ...

Banners, Placards, Leaflets

Banners, placards and leaflets – a group of rebels can have quite an effect, especially to emplo...

Bird Skeleton Making Guide

Join the group: XR Skeletons Rebellion As the Climate & Ecological crisis deepens around the worl...

Burning Ballroom

The idea for the Burning Ballroom is based on fiddling while Rome burns. Kit Banners Used to c...

Canary in the coalmine

Canary costumes have been used as attention grabbing props in lots of protests, although they ar...

Chalk for the Planet

Grab some colourful chalks and draw images or write messages about the climate crisis. This is a ...

Climate Crisis Quiz

This interactive quiz is designed to engage the public in thinking about the climate and ecologic...

Climate Dildo by Rainbow Rebellion

Rainbow Rebellion created a giant papier mache climate dildo. It is fully transportable and on wh...

Climate Theatre Show

Make your own theatre production with puppets or the children as actors. This could involve clima...


CorpRats are a pantomime mirror designed to reflect the ugliness and cruelty of putting profit o...

Crime Scenes

Crime scenes – another great theatrical way to get your message across. Best used for targets who...

Delaying tactics

Delaying tactics - methods that require specialist police teams e.g. height removal, among others.

Die In

A die-in is a peaceful, non-violent protest wherein participants lie on the ground for a specifie...

Dirty Greenwashing lines

Dirty Greenwashing lines – can work well with the Dirty Scrubbers but also on their own as an ea...

Dirty Scrubbers

For anyone wanting to perform DIRTY SCRUBBERS How to be a Dirty Scrubber document The dirty scrub...


Discobedience is a flash mob action that can be done in a public place for maximum impact. “Stayi...

Fake Coal

Edible fake coal Homemade Christmas Coal recipe Versions that can be thrown safely Sponges and t...

Fake Historical Plaques

This action is a clever play on plaques that show where famous people have lived. A similar desi...

Fake Newspapers

This is a perfect example of how you can do a creative action with very simple props, such as cha...

Fake Oil Recipe

Fake oil – whether it’s sprayed, poured or used in as yet unthought up ways, fake oil is great fo...


Flares – use flares liberally! Flares always make an eye catching picture and usually help increa...

Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces

Positive Solutions Fabric Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces (for wall hanging) This describes a way to make ar...

Laughtivism - Clowning

Laughtivism – Creating funny actions that poke fun at the target are a fantastic way to bring peo...

Lego Rebellion

Lego Rebellion is full of inspiration for getting our point across in a fun way, that's also rea...

Mock Lock On

Make a paper chain and mock on to something / use a cardboard tunnel to lock on cardboard padlock...


Occupations – great for disrupting the target and the ability of employees to get to work, higher...

Paint the Targets - Chalk Spray

Paint the targets – in a similar vein to Paint the Streets, cover your target in CUT THE TIES mes...

Paper Boats

This protest was outside The Home Office and was in support of migrant justice and climate refug...

Parliament of Owls

Flock of paper owls on sticks previously appeared at the biodiversity march at The Big One in Apr...

Political Letter Writing

Letters and templates of letters which you can use to help you when you are writing to your MPs, ...

Pram Rebellion

Action Doc: Pram Rebellion, Our Children's Future Pram Rebellion in London Video Telegram group...

Rebellion of One

Rebellion of one – a solo rebel holding a protest at the chosen target. As simple as holding a pl...

Reverse Graffiti

Clean the streets in style and leave a design or message behind! Here is a video we made earlier

Safely stop a large truck or fuel tanker

How to stop and ride a dinosaur 🦖 Action plan and guidance for Surfers, Barnacles, Spotters, Stop...

TROJAN Fish/caterpillar or other animal ?

A large scale puppet/sculpture that can be made in sections and brought together for a March/prot...

Vegetable Costumes

Protests in veg costumes were made popular at protests by Animal Rebellion. Who could ignore a gr...

Wake up, Rise up / Sounding the Alarm

Raising the alarm on climate emergency (could be expanded for a March/protest or next rebellion)...

We love Tree Huggers

In Response to kier stammers negative outburst “I hate tree huggers!” Turn up at location/march/a...

Writing to Activists in Prison

This can be an effective element of an action to do at a local group meeting, at an outreach stal...

Yarn Bombing

Yarn bombing is a fun creative project for all those who love to knit or crochet. The possibiliti...