The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums
The XR supported tools we use to communicate with other XR rebels.
Start Here
This document is a quick guide to get you started with using XRUK's online communication tools fo...
The Hub
What is the Hub?
The Hub belongs solely to XRUK and is designed and maintained by our XRUK Digital teams. The Hub ...
Using the Hub: The Basics
This is the Hub home page. Here you can see links to many of XRUK's services. Click on any of th...
Your roles
Seeing all your Roles or Positions in all groups Click on My Roles in the grey menu at the top of...
Updating your settings
Your menu Go to the Hub at and log in [top right] Click on yo...
Search for another rebel
My Contacts You can see a list of everyone who is in one the groups you are in by clicking the My...
Problems getting on the Hub
Listed below are several of the most common problems people have when they sign up to the Hub. If...
Compromised account procedure
All rebels with an account on the UK Hub, UK Forum, Global Mattermost and UK Cloud – which gives ...
How to Use Mattermost
Read this document to get familiar with Mattermost. It is used to communicate with XR groups as w...
When to use the Forums instead of Mattermost
What is the difference between chat and discussion? Chat (Mattermost) and discussion (Forums) ar...
Mattermost Moderation
What is Moderation, why do we need it and who does it? These questions arise with any open chat s...
How to download and use the Mattermost App
XR's Mattermost is held on our own secure servers and the address [Server URL] is https://organis...
Creating Broadcast Messages on Mattermost
Broadcast messages on channels such as Movement Broadcast and Rebellion Broadcast have a specific...
What are UK Forums? UK Forums have a slightly different purpose to Mattermost – here's a summary:...
The Cloud
What is UK Cloud? UK Cloud is a place for Extinction Rebellion members to create, store, and shar...
Change your login name (handle)
If you want a different login name (known as your Handle on Mattermost), you need to change this...
Video Guides to help you learn
This page contains links to video content that can be shared with your local groups to help get t...
Accessing the Tools Using a Smartphone or Tablet
Lots of rebels do not have access to a computer and instead rely on a smartphone or tablet to do ...
Privacy and Security
How private is your data on the XR communication services? Data on our new services is held in an...
Group Admin Guides
This chapter is only relevant for people with the role of Group Admin.
The XRUK Volunteer Agreement
On this page: How to sign the Volunteer Agreement How to check other people who have access to p...
Inviting People to your Group
You should use the Hub to invite new people to your group. This is because an invite to the Hub s...
Add and Edit Groups, Channels & Forums
Note: If any of what follows makes you nervous, drop a request into Hub Help Desk on Mattermost a...
XR Groups, Roles and Mandates
Read this guide to learn how to use the Hub to manage your group's mandates, roles, members, etc....
Role Tenure
How to update role tenure, so you no longer get 'tenure expired' messages Your Group Admin can se...
SOS Facilities on the Hub
This section describes how the Hub helps to implement the principles of Self-Organising Systems w...
Setting up a New Group on the Hub
This document takes you through the process of creating a new group on the Hub. See also Good Pra...
Deactivating or reactivating someone's account
This page explains how to deactivate an account if someone is arrested or loses their phone or ot...
How to create and use Forms on the Hub
The Hub allows Group Admins to create forms for people to fill in, and then look at (and share) t...
Behaviour and Good Practice
General responsibilities of Group Admins Group Admins have a responsibility to make sure that th...
Library (UK Cloud)
What is it? The Library is a shared read-only area for all Rebels on UK Cloud. You can view and d...
How to set up a Telegram-Mattermost link
We have a Matterbridge service, which enables you to link a Telegram channel or group to a Matter...
Placeholder Hub Groups
Placeholder Groups represent groups who do not use the Hub, so that they appear in the Hub Circle...
Hub Admin Guides
This chapter is only relevant for people with the role of Hub Admin.
Intro to the Hub Admin Role
OK - so you'd like to be a Hub Admin - great! It's a very rewarding role - you get to help in a v...
Using the Hub Admin Interface
Introduction To access the Hub - type into your browser addre...
Transferring data from the Map to the Hub
How to create Placeholder Groups on the Hub to align the Hub data with the Map data. Only availab...
Super Admin Functions
This section is for Hub Super Admins, and explains how to alter the structure and rules of Hub Gr...
Changing your personal details
Guidance to update details yourself The Hub (Forums/Cloud) - You can change your personal details...