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Request Funding From Your Nation/Region

XR Nations and Regions who are represented in The Hive (the biggest circle of XRUK) recieve funding from XRUK on a monthy basis.

This funding is used differently by each Region and Nation (because they are autonomous and self-organising), but most use it for some of the following:

  • Volunteer Living Expenses (VLE) for activists who do lots of work for XR in their Region or Nation
  • Regional or National Actions
  • Transport or postage of regional resources to local groups who want to use them
  • Running a local Art Factory (only a few Regions or Nations have these)
  • Bulk ordering outreach materials to distribute to local groups
  • Hosting Regional or National websites

Local Groups can request funding for projects and actions from their Region or Nation. Each Region or Nation is set up slightly differently, but money should be requested through the Local Group Coordinators circle, Anchor circle, or equivalent. If you are not sure how to contact these circles, please email

Most Regions and Nations have limited budgets, so will have their own policies on what they will or won't fund, and this varies depending on the Region or Nation. For example, XR Midlands tend to approve funding requests for Actions or activities that will involve multiple local groups, or are being organised by a Regional team, but don't tend to fund things that are only for one local group, e.g. leaflets for a specific local campaign.