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Embedding Fundraising in your Outreach & Emails

Fundraising during Outreach

Watch this video showing how to do outreach followed by a fundraising ask.

Then check out the Fundraising Methods pages for ideas on how to fundraise on the street.

You could also download this DONATE QR code (Google doc) It links to XRUK's crowdfunder and you can incorporate it into your own posters, fliers etc.

How to ask for donations

Whether you are on the street doing outreach, speaking on a video or writing an email, asking for donations can feel difficult! Here are some words to help you communicate and encourage donations.

  • 'It’s only thanks to small donations from individuals like you that we can continue to fund actions, outreach, equipment and more.'

  • 'Every single donation helps us demand change. Together, we are unstoppable.'

  • 'Extinction Rebellion runs on love, rage, and donations! Give now to keep the rebellion alive!'

  • 'Thanks to donations from people like you, XR UK can continue to demand change.'

  • 'The climate emergency is now! We need to take local grassroots direct action to make change happen. But we can’t do it without your support.'

Asks in the build-up to large-scale actions

  • 'Without your help, there won’t be a rebellion. Your local XR group urgently needs your help to keep resisting and rebelling. Can you donate now or help organise a fundraiser?'

  • 'We need your help to fund the rebellion! Support local volunteers' fund essentials and you’ll be directly helping to fight back against climate emergency inaction.'

If you're asked 'What does XR UK spend money on?'

'A monthly or one-off donation helps us:

  • Support volunteers with essential costs
  • Carefully plan attention-grabbing actions
  • Pay for safe storage of equipment
  • Maintain our website and communication tools
  • Manage our finances with accounting software and professional bookkeeping
  • And so much more'

Importance of our Action Network email lists

Our network of Local and Region/Nation email lists all build one big XRUK email list. As well as using it for emails about actions, training and ways to get involved, this list is very important for fundraising.

Regular donors from our XRUK list provide a steady income for the movement and campaigns, particularly leading up to big actions. The emails also bring in money from one-off donations.

The more people there are on our Action Network mailing list, the more successful our future fundraising will be.

It is important for fundraising that local groups are using Action Network (rather than their own systems like Mailchimp or other systems) so that new sign ups are also added to the overall XRUK list. More information about Action Network is here.

Promoting fundraising for your Local/Community Group through your emails

Tips on linking to fundraisers from Action Network emails (see 'Promoting your Chuffed Fundraiser').