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What is the Hub?

The Hub belongs solely to XRUK and is designed and maintained by our XRUK Digital teams. The Hub is used for a number of different things however its main purpose is to store our UK group information:

  • which groups exist
  • the group members
  • role-holders
  • group mandate / scope / group agreement
  • group and members' contact details
  • policies
  • domains

The Hub maintains transparency by displaying our Self-Organising System [SOS], e.g. how our groups / teams / circles interact with each other; it shows us who's in a role and it also gives us their peferred method of contact. This is extremely useful because it makes it really easy to find the right people to talk to. The Hub also keeps track of the structure of XRUK groups - see My Groups.

We also use the Hub to connect many of our other tools and programs (e.g. Mattermost and UK Cloud) that rebels use to organise online.

Watch this video for a general introduction to the Hub and its benefits and also view a PDF version with clickable links of the slide presentation used in the video.

How do I join the Hub?

You can request a Hub invite to your group from your Hub Group Admin. If you don't know who this is, please email - let them know the name of your group and another person in your group who can vouch for you.

Why do we need it?

The Hub does some really important things. It saves admin time by:

  • Creating you accounts on XRUK's connected tools so you can sign-in / log-in with the same username and password on:
    • the Hub
    • Mattermost
    • UK Cloud
    • UK Forums
    • Rebel Toolkit
    • Rebellion Academy
    • XRUK's Customer Relationship Managment [CRM] platform
  • Ater you've accepted your Hub invite to a group, it automatically adds you to your group's chat channels, Cloud folders and Forums.
  • It can temporarily suspend your accounts if you're arrested so the authorities cannot get access to our platforms even if they take your phone or computer.

Futher info on how to join and use the Hub and Mattermost here.