Integrator Resources
Useful (Onboarder)resources training:to
- help
Here'sanyone who takes on thelinktask of welcoming and onboarding new people totheaslideslocalused in theIntegrator Training sessions for Local GroupsandIntegrator Training sessions for Working Groups
Resources for new rebels:
- The first shelf of the Rebel Toolkit
IntroWelcome to XR - Attending an online
Foundation'IntroProgrammetoSign-upXR' talk or 'Get Involved' workshop For info and questions about the Foundation Programme contactFoundation Programme Email- For new rebels who cannot or don't want to join actions in person: Digital Rebellion
Resources for Integrators:
Link to theIntegrator Handbookof which this page is a part To create your own automatic welcome email see slide 8 of the Integrator Training (linked above) use this template
Link to the UK Organism (see how we're organised as a Self-Organising System)
Action Network Training: Training Request From and guidance in the Action Network for XR book
For any questions about Action Networkor contact the Action Network Data TeamFor any social media questions: M&M Get Started
FindCheck yourlocalgroupsgroup:details are on the:Local Group Map
left if required)Or to keep your Local Group's details up to date on the map:Update theLocal Group Map (Click the 'Add or Update' button on the bottomleft)Outside of the UK? XRGlobal map
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): page on the Rebel Toolkit
For Integrators of regional or national working groups, watch this7-minute videoon how to use the Volunteer Website.
Case Studies:
- XR Midlands, flowchart and process: Midlands Case Study
- Haringey Spreadsheet - please copy and use as you wish: Haringey Case Study
- Oxford case study - how this local group runs and organises their integration: Oxford Case Study
- Connecting through sharing Life Stories: Sharing Life Stories
Integrator Support:(Onboarder) training:
WeTherunslidesregularusedlive training on Zoom. Checkin theWelcome/OnboardingIntegrator(Integrator)TrainingSupportsessionsChannelfor Local Groupson(needMattermostupdating)
Contact and support
Most Nations and Regions have a volunteer called a 'Gardener' as part of the N/R team. If you don't know who that is, the please contact the Local and Grassroots support team:
- By email
usatpathways+int@extinctionrebellion.LGSupport@extinctionrebellion.ukfor - If
oryoucheckusetheMattermost contact our:EventsLGSpageon the XRUK website Integrator (onboarder) training on theRebellion AcademyReception
Peer support:
Join theIntegrator Support Channel on Mattermostfor integrators (onboarders) to share resources and support.
Contact the Pathways team:
Message us directly on Mattermost:Pathways ReceptionFor support on using the Volunteer Website, please email us at:volunteer@extinctionrebellion.ukFor anything else you can get us