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Objection testing
[Note: this guidance is referred to by Section C.7 of the XR UK Constitution.] When a proposal is...
The Advice Process
[Note: this guidance is referred to by Section C.7 of the XR UK Constitution.] The Advice Process...
Considered Majority Vote for Roles in XR UK
[Note: this guidance is referred to by Section C.5 of the XR UK Constitution.] The steps in the p...
Integrative Election Process for Roles in XR UK
[Note: this guidance is referred to by Section C.5 of the XR UK Constitution.] 1. Discuss the rol...
Ways of Working
Our approach, skills and capacities as we volunteer in XR UK Table of Contents 1. Our shared unde...
The Whys and Wheres of SOS terms
Why does the Self-Organising System use special terms? Our Principle and Values inspire us to fin...
Behaviour and Good Practice
General responsibilities of Group Admins Group Admins have a responsibility to make sure that th...
Allies and Alliances
Insure Our Survival is working alongside the Insure Our Future (IOF) coalition, a wide range of n...
Frontline Struggles
The IOS campaign strongly encourages rebels and activists across the UK to particularly target th...
Big Blue Button Basics
Big Blue Button, or BBB, is an alternative to Zoom. It is free to use, and there are no time limi...
Choose Your Target & Demands
Where is your closest insurance office? The first step is to figure out which insurers are near y...
View Reflection Form
How to do messaging and media for an action
This page contains detailed advice on planning the messaging and public media for an action, incl...
Support from your nation/region/XRUK M&M teams
It can feel overwhelming for small local groups to start a Media & Messaging working group as it ...
Business Suite for Facebook and Instagram
Meta Business Suite is a free tool that Facebook page admins can use to manage their pages and li...
Instagram is a social media platform based on visuals (photos and videos). This page will detail ...
Facebook Events
This page will teach you: how to create an event how to make another page a co-host for your eve...
This page will get you started with the biggest social media platform in the world. 📅 If you need...
War & Peace (messaging connecting conflict & climate)
See the Slideshow of this document to see the sources and references for the information on this...
"Rebel for Truth" Messaging Pack 2024
Messaging Pack 2024 It’s nearly 5 years since the Declaration of Rebellion. Why are we still hav...