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Burning Ballroom
The idea for the Burning Ballroom is based on fiddling while Rome burns. Kit Banners Used to c...
Pram Rebellion
Low risk, high impact visual action that can be done at local group level or by individual rebel...
Wake up, Rise up / Sounding the Alarm
Raising the alarm on climate emergency (could be expanded for a March/protest or next rebellion)...
We love Tree Huggers
This action was designed in Response to Keir Starmers negative outburst “I hate tree huggers!” T...
Paper Boats
Origami can be used to great effect to send messages to people in positions of power. This prote...
Fake Historical Plaques
This action is a clever play on plaques that show where famous people have lived. A similar desi...
Canary in the coalmine
Canary costumes have been used as attention grabbing props in lots of protests, although they ar...
Discobedience is a flash mob action that can be done in a public place for maximum impact. “Stayi...
Die In
A die-in is a peaceful, non-violent protest wherein participants lie on the ground for a specifie...
Chalk for the Planet
Grab some colourful chalks and draw images or write messages about the climate crisis. This is a ...
Climate Theatre Show
Make your own theatre production with puppets or the children as actors. This could involve clima...
Fake Coal
Fake coal is obviously a really useful prop for fossil fuel focused actions. Lots of different ty...
Climate Crisis Quiz
This interactive quiz is designed to engage the public in thinking about the climate and ecologic...
Banner Drop
Get advice from experienced rebels about banner drops: Join the Banner Drop Telegram group here ...
CorpRats are a pantomime mirror designed to reflect the ugliness and cruelty of putting profit o...
Fake Oil Recipe
Fake oil – whether it’s sprayed, poured or used in as yet unthought up ways, fake oil is great fo...
Dirty Scrubbers
For anyone wanting to perform DIRTY SCRUBBERS How to be a Dirty Scrubber document The dirty scrub...
Bird Skeleton Making Guide
Join the group: XR Skeletons Rebellion As the Climate & Ecological crisis deepens around the worl...
This is a 'Welcome and Onboarding' Tool for Integrators or Internal Coordinators from any Working...
Day by Day Guide
This event has passed - here is a summary page to collate the Feedback and Learning More detail...