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Online Behaviour Guide

Internal Comms Using and Moderating Chat Groups Effect...

XR's Regenerative Culture We owe each other a duty of care to make our presence on our communicat...

Updated 4 days ago by Kay

Our Communication Tools

How We Work Together

We use everything! Depending on which group you get involved with, you many end up using one or m...

Updated 4 days ago by Brian Spurling

Chat Apps

M&M Get Started Organise Media & Messaging for your group

Chats are at the heart of planning your event or organising your group. Read this page for the in...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Start Here

The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums

This document is a quick guide to get you started with using XR's UK online communication tools f...

Updated 4 days ago by Kay

What is Media & Messaging?

M&M Get Started

Messaging A message is a clear, easy-to-understand sentence that sums up what you’re trying to ac...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma


M&M Get Started How to get your content promoted by XR UK

Our broadcasts 🔺REBELLION BROADCAST Key info on UK actions, strategy and Rebellion updates. Tele...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Tips and recommendations for moderating a group chat

Internal Comms Using and Moderating Chat Groups Effect...

Hopefully, you’ll never be in a tricky situation; but sometimes people can troll, spam or act aga...

Updated 4 days ago by Ned

Choosing a messaging app for your XR group

Internal Comms

If you want to create a group chat for your XR group, there are loads of different options and ma...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Mattermost Moderation

The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums Mattermost

What is Moderation, why do we need it and who does it? These questions arise with any open chat s...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Privacy and Security

The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums

How private is your data on the XR communication services? Data on our new services is held in an...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Find or Start a Local Group

Starting & Developing your Local Group

Find a Local Group near to you You can look for a group close to where you live on the Local Grou...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

War & Peace (Messaging connecting Conflict & Climate)

Guidelines for Messaging

See the Slideshow of this document to see the sources and references for the information on this...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Messaging Global Justice Actions

Global Justice

Below are some messaging resources for the global justice theme. War & Peace Messaging Guidelines...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Potential Targets & Action Ideas

Global Justice

Conflict & the Arms Trade There are many conflicts happening across the globe as we speak. Peace...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

Potential Targets & Action Ideas

Social Justice

Housing The housing crisis is forcing more and more people out of homes and onto the streets wit...

Updated 4 days ago by Marcus

Rebel for Truth - Paint The Streets 2024

Paint The Streets Paint the Streets Messaging Focus

Spend 2024 spreading the love, creativity - and of course a little bit of mischief. Share the me...

Updated 4 days ago by Emma

The Vault

Other Online Tech Tools

The Vault is a password manager hosted by XR using BitWarden/Vaultwarden software. It is a place ...

Updated 4 days ago by Adrian_P

Messaging pack for IoF

Insure Our Future

Insurance is the Achilles heel of the global fossil fuel industry. It’s what gives companies such...

Updated 4 days ago by Kay

Facebook Events

Social Media Facebook

This page will teach you: how to create an event how to make another page a co-host for your eve...

Updated 4 days ago by Kay

Getting Active and Learning More

Post Training Resources Welcome to XR For New Joiners

You can become involved with XR in several different ways. Just choose the way that suits you bes...

Updated 5 days ago by Ned