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How to Get Involved

Insure our Survival

Join the Insure our Survival Telegram Broadcast Register for an action cafe on Zoom to find out m...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Kay

Key Information

Insure our Survival

Following on from the Global Week of Actions called 'Insure Our Future', XRUK will be taking furt...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Kay

Outreach Materials

Miscellaneous 2024

Flyer moved to here

Updated 2 weeks ago by Kay

Community Assemblies for Water

Dirty Water WAVE 6

Build on Dirty Water actions and ceremonies to invite your neighbours into a Community Assembly...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Emma

Digital Do-It-At-Home Actions

Dirty Water WAVE 6

Digitally Rebel with Dirty Water Let’s work together doing what we can, where we can, when we ca...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Emma

Messaging and design pack

Restore Nature Now

The design pack is also available as a pdf. Nature Needs You! Rivers choking on pollution, preci...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Emma

2024 General Election

Miscellaneous 2024

THIS IS NOT THE CHANGE WE NEED The climate and ecological crisis, the cost of living crisis, war...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Kay

Guidance for Street Speakers

Design, Develop and Deliver Training Street Speakers

Select this link for the Street Speakers' Guidance (OnlyOffice). You'll be able to download it an...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Ned

Don't Pay for Dirty Water Campaign

Dirty Water

Extinction Rebellion UK, and the Dirty Water campaign have teamed up to su...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Ned

Flags and Banners

Dirty Water Assets

Brown Flags XR flags are normally colourful, but for Dirty Water we've branched out! You could co...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Peter Millar

Start Here

Intro to Technical and Data Services

Support available on the Tech and Data shelf You can get direct support via email and Mattermost ...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Warren Bunce


Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

CorpRats are a pantomime mirror designed to reflect the ugliness and cruelty of putting profit o...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Emma

Climate Theatre Show

Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

Make your own theatre production with puppets or the children as actors. This could involve clima...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Emma

Climate Dildo by Rainbow Rebellion

Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

Rainbow Rebellion created a giant papier mache climate dildo. It is fully transportable and on wh...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Emma

Restore Nature Now (16 June)

Open Calls 2024

Click here for the Open Call recording on YouTube Restore Nature Now is calling for urgent action...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Kay

Five Chat Challenge

Restore Nature Now

The challenge is to have a conversation with five people who are not in XR. We have the opportun...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Luke XR midlands

Chalk for the Planet

Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

Grab some colourful chalks and draw images or write messages about the climate crisis. This is a ...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Emma

Canary in the coalmine

Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

Canary costumes have been used as attention grabbing props in lots of protests, although they ar...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Emma

Our Childrens Future / Pram Rebellion

Themes for Actions

Low risk, high impact visual action that can be done at local group level or by individual rebels...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Emma

Burning Ballroom

Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

The idea for the Burning Ballroom is based on fiddling while Rome burns. Kit Banners Used to c...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Emma