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770 total results found

Telegram: How to remove spammers

Internal Comms Messaging Apps: Administrating & Modera...

Spamming can be an issue with Telegram chats. If the invite link to a Telegram group chat is public, then anyone can join! If members can share the group's invite link, it can end up anywhere! If you receive direct messages [DM] from random people on Telegram ...

Street Scripts and other useful links

Design, Develop and Deliver Training Street Speakers

Before you start Please read the Access Guide to help make your talk inclusive, and the Guidance for Speakers before delivering a street talk. Access Guide for Sessions (Generic) Guidance for Speakers (Generic) Join the Street Speakers Telegram chat to ask...

Moderating a group chat

Internal Comms Messaging Apps: Administrating & Modera...

Hopefully, you’ll never be in a tricky situation; but sometimes people can troll, spam or act against XR’s Principles and Values on group chats. In general, this is less likely to happen on closed, secure chats, but it is a good idea to have ‘agreed in advance...

Keeping group chats as secure as possible

Internal Comms Messaging Apps: Administrating & Modera...

Larger chats such as Local Group chats cannot practically be kept completely secure, because you need to be able to welcome new people into them. It is therefore important to make it clear that these chats are not secure, and no 'spicy' information should ever...

Stoke Newington Community Listening Circles Project

Community Alliance Building Alliance Building Resources

The information below is also available to download as a pdf Summary Aims The Stoke Newington Community Listening Circles project was co-developed by people from Hackney XR and St Mary’s Church in Stoke Newington. We saw the need for action to be taken within ...

Local Group Sign-ups

Action Network for XR Adding Subscribers

Action Network is the software system used for the XR UK’s email list. As the name suggests it really is a ‘network’. If you use Action Network and sign someone up to your Local Group, they will automatically be signed up to regional and UK lists. This means ...

Before Training Starts...

Action Network for XR Start Here

If you have requested the Focused 1hr basic training for your Local Group please read the following information. Don't worry if you don't understand it all, just come as prepared as you can. If your group is already using Action Network, some of the following ...

Inserting images into your Action Network e-mail

Action Network for XR Writing and Sending Emails on Action Ne...

Including images can really help with reader engagement, but there are couple of things to keep in mind. First is that images need to be relevant and mean something, and secondly they must resized to suit emails. If you are someone that uses photo/graphics sof...

Fake Oil Recipe

Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

Fake oil – whether it’s sprayed, poured or used in as yet unthought up ways, fake oil is great for visuals. It’s a problem for the companies as well as they have to clear it up! USING FAKE OIL IS LIKELY TO GET YOU ARRESTED! Fake Crude Oil Recipe Fire Extinguis...

Climate and Ecology Crisis Quiz

Post Training Resources Talks & Training Extra Resources

Take the Crisis Quiz online

Postcode searches

Action Network for XR Advanced

Adding UK list subscribers to Local Group lists There are many subscribers on the UK list who have entered their postcode, but are not yet connected to a Local Group (LG). If you are from an active LG and what to find out if there are 'floating' rebels in your...

Script Template for new trainings

Design, Develop and Deliver Training

Use this script template for online delivery. Add timings, the speaker(s) name(s), script and tech instructions. The template is in two formats: OnlyOffice on the XRUK Cloud Google Docs

Further training resources

Action Network for XR Advanced

Action Network help pages You can browe the Action Network Knowledge Base for more guidance. Also there are also Action Network training sessions to sign up to. Please be aware for both of the above, some features may not be relevant or even available on the X...

Where to find Talks, Training and Workshops

Post Training Resources Talks & Training Extra Resources

For XRUK wide events - talks, training and workshops Movement Broadcast Telegram Broadcast Mattermost XRUK website Events XRUK Talks & Training Facebook Events Rebellion Academy For XRUK wide Rebellions/Actions updates Rebellion Broadcast Telegra...

Community Alliance Building Resource List

Community Alliance Building Alliance Building Resources

Local Group Relationship Planning guide Community Alliance Telegram Chat How to talk to diverse groups (Google doc) Trainings Community Alliance Building Training Playlist (Youtube) Or watch them as individual videos: Community Alliance Building Tra...

Outreach Workshops

Outreach Outreach Training and Support

Growing the movement is a key task. Join our workshops to learn how to use outreach skills to engage and inspire the public into action. You don't need any experience or skills to participate in the workshops. If you've done outreach before and want to brush u...

Dirty Water | Waves

Dirty Water

Links to all the Waves in one tide-y plaice using the handy Dirty Water Landing Page. Fintastic! Dirty Water Landing Page The Dirty Water Landing Page is a Google doc with links to all the Waves of actions and has the information you need to take part in each...

Video Links

Design, Develop and Deliver Training Welcome to XR for Speakers

Video clips from the Impossible Rebellion in 2021 Video clips of actions around the UK in 2023

Welcome to XR - National Talk

Design, Develop and Deliver Training Welcome to XR for Speakers

Script used for the national W2XR talk Script - June 2024 - Cloud version Script - June 2024 - PDF version

Welcome to XR for Local Groups

Design, Develop and Deliver Training Welcome to XR for Speakers

Video of a Training Session for anyone who wishes to present a Welcome to XR talk to a local group but cannot attend a training session. Guidance Notes and Script for Local Groups Supporting slides for Welcome to XR Session for Local Groups Link to New...