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Summary of Massembly Results: 13th October 2024

Here are the results from Sunday 13 October online Massembly.

We discussed the question: "How can we take meaningful steps to Upgrade Democracy?"

447 participants voted, 43,153 votes were cast, 96.54 votes per participant on average, 137 commented, 453 comments submitted.

1. Citizens' Assemblies and Participatory Democracy

  • Citizens' Assemblies offer inclusive platforms for deliberation on important issues, involving diverse voices and opinions.
  • Citizens' Assemblies should be used at local, regional, and national levels, with legally binding decisions and integration into parliamentary processes.
  • These assemblies are tools for rebuilding trust in democracy by involving ordinary citizens in decision-making.

2. Education for Democratic Participation

  • Civic and political education should begin early to develop responsible, engaged citizens who understand democracy and governance.
  • Schools and educational institutions should implement assemblies and participatory budgeting to foster democratic practices.
  • Media literacy and experiential learning are key to preparing future generations to resist misinformation and participate effectively.

3. Reducing Corporate and Private Influence

  • Corporate lobbyists, political donors, and mainstream media often wield disproportionate power, distorting democracy.
  • Regulations are needed to limit donations, increase transparency in lobbying, and prevent private interests from influencing public policy.
  • Fair media regulation, including accountability and fact-checking mechanisms, is crucial to protect the integrity of democracy.

4. Long-term Thinking and Future Generations

  • Decision-making should prioritise long-term impacts, taking into account the well-being of future generations and environmental sustainability.
  • Legal frameworks should recognize the rights of nature, criminalise ecocide, and integrate environmental protection into democratic processes.
  • A Future Generations Commission or Commissioner should assess policies for their impact on the unborn and natural ecosystems.

5. Transparency and Accountability in Governance

  • Transparent decision-making processes and public accountability are essential for restoring trust in politics.
  • Governments should publicly record expert advice and decisions, ensuring that citizens understand the reasoning behind policies.
  • Transparency in political funding and lobbying is necessary to reduce undue influence and promote fair, evidence-based decisions.

6. Inclusivity and Diversity in Decision-Making

  • Democracy should be inclusive, promoting representation of marginalised groups and fostering gender equality and diverse community participation.
  • Grassroots initiatives, such as participatory budgeting and local assemblies, help empower underrepresented voices in the political process.
  • Special provisions should be made to include non-voters (e.g., children and future generations) in decision-making.

7. Reforming Democratic Structures

  • The structure of political institutions, such as the House of Lords and electoral processes, needs reform to better represent citizens.
  • Deliberative and participatory processes, such as Citizens' Assemblies, should replace outdated and hierarchical systems.
  • Introducing non-oppositional, collaborative decision-making spaces could enhance democratic functionality and reduce polarisation.