What happens next?
We hope that you have enjoyed taking part in the online assembly, and experiencing first-hand what it feels like to participate in deliberative democracy! Hopefully you should now have a clearer idea about how democracy could be upgraded and what XR is doing about it. So what happens next?
See the results from the original Massembly on 31st August in the summary report
See the results from the 13th October online assembly in the summary report
Encourage others to join the conversation
- We plan to run further assemblies using the same process, so that as many people as possible can take part.
- This may include inviting local groups to run their own assemblies, running a further online assembly, and using Pol.is directly to widen participation.
Join XR!
Other ways to learn more and get involved:
[For individuals] Learn more about Citizens’ Assemblies and XR’s Third Demand
[For XR groups] Take action on Citizens' Assemblies
[For individuals and XR groups] Learn more about our campaign to promote Community Assemblies
[For individuals] Support Zero Hour’s campaign for the Climate and Nature Bill