Massembly Resources
Massembly Links
Thank you for taking part in the Massembly Please follow the links below to the following resourc...
What happens next?
We hope that you have enjoyed taking part in the online assembly, and experiencing first-hand wha...
Summary of Massembly Results: 31st August 2024
Here are the results from Saturday 31st August's in-person and online Massemblies. Over 450 peopl...
Summary of Massembly Results: 15th October 2024
Here are the results from Tuesday 15 October online Massembly. We discussed the question: "How ca...
Have your say via voting is currently closed. Extinction Rebellion UK is developing our own platform....
Online Assembly
As a continuation of the Massembly in August, we are organising a further online assembly on Sund...