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Pram Rebellion

Low risk, high impact visual action that can be done at local group level or by individual rebels. Pram Rebellion has now been carried out in different ways in many different countries all over the world.

Telegram chat

Please join the telegram chat for the Pram Rebellion - Children's Futures, for any updates, support, tips and a place you can ask questions. There may also be the opportunity for 'borrowing' ready prepared prams\buggies. Please jump on the chat below, to ask if there's one near you.


This is a hard hitting action, designed to touch people’s hearts and engage their emotions. Children are already dying from pollution and the Climate Emergency. More children will die if we continue this current trajectory. We, XR, have a moral duty to TELL THE TRUTH. We criticise the government and the media for not telling the truth. We will not be liked for it and we may hurt some people by telling it. This is a difficult truth to tell. It still needs to be told. Having done this action a few times now, the reaction is generally shocking and moving, but there’s been little negative feedback.

We have fully considered valuable feedback from many circles, including from Rebels who have personally experienced child bereavement. Elements of this action were changed as a result of acknowledging that people who have experienced child bereavement may have their trauma triggered by the sight of a mysterious empty pram. We are truly sorry to trigger anyone's pain. By carrying out this action, we are trying to avoid other families suffering the same tragic experience.
If you are affected by this installation, please contact

In person action

See the video above or watch this livestream

Location- head to a local authority building, or some other institution which you think just isn't listening or acting as they should.

Dress and Demeanour

This highly theatrical action pulls on the heartstrings of the observers. To be truly effective Pram Rebels should dress in style and stay in role. Wear black, think victoriana, gothic or steampunk. Think veiled faces and top hats. It can be plain and simple or you may like to spend more time and enjoy preparing your costume. Once in role, stay silent, if you need to speak, keep it to whispers. Move slowly, do not rush or joke. This is a funeral for the children of the future.


Once you have your pram and costume, be brave! Take your pram and a buddy, then walk alone or in pairs in a busy place or to a 'place of particular interest'. Make a bold statement/have a placard, do a photoshoot and put it on social media. It’s easier for a rebel not pushing a pram to engage in outreach discussions or to give out leaflets and this allows you to stay in role.

Lock & leave action

Paint a pram or buggy white (or another colour), put a printed message in it, lock it and leave it in a town, or where there is high footfall. If it isn’t removed by the authorities, retrieve it at a later time/day.

Designed to pique the general public’s inquisitive mind.

The buggies seem to be tolerated if left in a place for 2 or maybe 3 days, then you could always find another location to move your artwork to. Experience has shown they tend to be removed pretty quickly if situated in a shopping centre (private land), so maybe try somewhere on public land.

Some buggies got media attention when they were locked in places children go - play areas\schools. These are just suggestions - you can place your artwork wherever you like. We'd also recommend siting them near a light source, so passersby can read them after dark - they also look really mysterious in the dark, partially lit by street lights\lit buildings, etc.

Other ideas

  • anchor one in the sea and let the tide slowly take it. (Be careful the paint doesn’t wash off)
  • chuck one off a cliff (obvs make sure there isn't anyone below)
  • roll one, without a person on camera, slowly into a road (without cars)
  • lock one to a petrol station
  • set fire to one
  • dangle one from a bridge

All of the above have been done at some point.

Making your pram

1. Painting

A pram, painted white

Find a pram, buggy or even car seat. Cheapest method, find an abandoned one (XR Woking found 3), or freecycle. Charity shops or eBay for those with slightly deeper pockets. Prams look best but are more expensive than buggies. Get rid of any accessories or straps that don’t need to be kept, less to paint.

You may get the Pram back after the action, best to assume you won’t - though you might be lucky. One that was removed by a local council was returned after the Police tracked it down! Painting

We believe painting your pram\buggy a white colour may look the most impactful, as it looks quite mysterious. But you are autonomous, so you can paint it any colour you like. Bright, shocking pink is also a good choice.

Remember: Perfection is the enemy of done.

It’s a nice idea to give plastic/metal parts a bit of a rub with sandpaper, just to ‘key’ it, so the paint sticks better.

We’ve used aerosol paint, we’ve used tins of any old white paint we’ve had kicking around. Bosh the paint on, let it dry, bosh some more on - done! Worry not about drips and runs. It’s not an art competition. As you’ll probably need to push the buggy around at some point, maybe avoid painting the wheels? Some paint may flake off - but this is a small price to pay for the big picture issue - the Government is killing our children!

Some rebels cleverly wrapped their pram in white cloth - so the pram could continue to be used for its original purpose.

There may be some pre-prepared buggies\prams you can borrow. We have leaflets you can print\we might be able to send. XR South East has a banner 'GOVT CLIMATE FAILURE IS KILLING CHILDREN' you can borrow, which needs 3 people to carry it. We have a template press release you can have. We have template posters you can place inside your buggies, for messaging. (For loans and files, please ask on the telegram chat.

2. The message inside the pram

A pram, painted white, with a black and white message inside

The easiest option is to print on a piece of A3/A4 paper, laminate it & glue it or staple it to the pram.

Fix the messaging board into the pram or buggy by drilling some holes and attaching with white or clear cable ties.

You can get an email ready QR code here (it’s surprisingly easy!): QR Code Generator

3. If you are 'locking and leaving' your pram

If you are ‘locking and leaving’ your pram, you need a bike lock to secure the pram in the target location. Try one of these (cheap, but can be easily cut with bolt cutters). You could also use a chain and padlock, or a D lock.

We have also attached a “public artwork” laminated disclaimer, which you may add a date and photograph once the pram is sited. The reasoning is it makes it clear that your intention was not dumping rubbish, in the unlikely event of being identified and a potential flytipping prosecution.


#AirPollution #TellTheTruth

This action can be used for many different messages, ideally where there is a link to children’s health and the climate and ecological emergency, eg fossil fuel or incinerator pollution.

You may find this Daily Mail (sorry!) article linking children’s health with pollution helpful.

Post pictures of your prams in their locations on social media channels. Include your messaging in the text, along with any relevant hashtags to your messaging (eg #UniteToSurvive #EnoughIsEnough). Share other groups and rebels' posts and help amplify their messages. Post your images on the UK Live Action Channel so everyone can admire your handiwork!


Send photos (send 3 in landscape orientation) to your local newspapers, along with a press release (you can edit our template, ask for it in the Telegram chat). For TV news, they like the press release plus 3 X 20 seconds worth of video, filmed in landscape - one at a distance, so viewers recognise where the action is, one middle distance and one close up. All press like visuals as early in the day as possible - they can then be reporting on today's news.

Find more info on working with your local press here

Technically, as someone would have to be paid to cut the lock and remove the pram, it could be Criminal Damage. Or possibly some sort of Obstruction Of Highway, depending on location. The authorities would obviously need to identify the perpetrator (CCTV footage of it being removed from a vehicle, for example).

Here is the full legal briefing on Criminal Damage

Here is the full legal briefing on Obstruction Of The Highway

There is a risk. The risk is low, it is up to you to be fully informed and decide whether or not you want to take that risk by doing this action.

After the action

If your pram is still there after a few days, lucky you. Simply re-site at a different location. Or walk around with it on an action. Add some solar fairy lights. Take it for a walk to Parliament. The only limit is your imagination.