Closing down chats
For security and to make sure chats don't get abandonded and become un-moderated spaces, it is best to close a chat down once it's use is over.
Very important to close down chats, as soon as they aren't required. This is because Signal is often the preferred platform for more 'spicy' actions.
- Turn group link off on day of action
- Send a warning that group will be closed on a certain day
- Change group name to something random
- Delete info in group header
- Remove all members
- Check group link is off
- Leave Group yourself
Follow the instructions as above. To remove any admins, you must first take away their 'admin' status and then you can remove them from the chat. Then once everyone is removed, only the 'owner' of the chat can completely delete the chat.
Similar to Telegram, but messages remain on people's phones even after they've left and chat is closed. Hence why it's not recommended for situations requiring higher level of security.
Please contact the Rebel Toolkit team if the info about can be improved or updated (as software changes all the time)