Shown below are all the known pages in the system that link to this item.
Start Here
The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums
This document is a quick guide to get you started with using XR's UK online communication tools f...
How to Use Mattermost
The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums
Read this document to get familiar with Mattermost. It is used to communicate with XR groups as w...
The Cloud
The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums
What is UK Cloud? UK Cloud is a place for Extinction Rebellion members to create, store, and shar...
Accessing the Tools Using a Smartphone or Tablet
The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums
Lots of rebels do not have access to a computer and instead rely on a smartphone or tablet to do ...
Messaging Apps Overview
Internal Comms
Messaging Apps: Choosing an App
As a decentralised network, there is no one communication tool that everybody uses. That can some...
Internal Comms
Messaging Apps: Choosing an App
Mattermost is the messaging app that has been specially set up by XR for rebels to collaborate w...