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Take Action Now
What can I do to start? Sign up to Rebellion Broadcast: Key info on UK actions, strategy and Rebellion updates. Sign up to Movement Broadcast: UK-wide events & training. Find out what's going on near me - the Events Map Find out what's going on particular da...
Strategy & Guidance
UK Actions Strategy 2024/25 Details of the current Actions Strategy can be found here: Action Strategy: Pathway to Rebellion UK Actions Circle support Major Actions; UK Wide Actions or Campaigns; and Actions of UK significance should all reach out to the UK A...
Recruiting and coordinating your team
Now that you have your initial action design in place, you can work out what roles need to be filled, what skills are needed and how many of each role you need. In short, you need to start recruiting! You might be recruiting people to: Help with planning Take...
Sharing news as it happens
Hopefully much of your planning will kick in. Those with roles to coordinate the media, photographers, livestreamers & spokespeople will know what they're doing and your action will be perfectly captured and the news of it spread everywhere. Here are some more...
Local Group Map
Designed to help locate and contact any local XR group in the UK The Local Group Map can be viewed directly or via the XRUK website The use the map: The key on the right allows you to select a nation or region. and/or ...
Harder questions and answers
Become an expert CA communicator! You will be asked lots of questions about CAs. Here are answers to help you, and some sample answers for spokespeople. 1. We already have politicians that have been elected, why do we need citizens’ assemblies as well? Governm...
Quotes about citizens' assemblies
From Ireland's citizens’ assembly: ‘I think this issue in Ireland could never have gotten to the point we’re at today were it not for the CA. I think we would have been years getting there, if we ever got there' Kate O’Donnell (serving member of Fine Gael) "So...
Challenge the normal
Most people (outside of groups like XR!) follow what they think is "normal" behavior. These "social norms" are therefore powerful obstacles to change. Dynamic normative messages emphasise changing trends - to encourage people to become part of the new normal. ...
Creating Amenities & Sustenance Maps
Producing maps using Google MyMaps mean that you can share the editing workload and then publish a public view for participants to use. Google Help on using the tool. Below are some examples. The Big One Rebellion The Big One Google MyMap Note the use of layer...
Templates for Volunteer Website Role Adverts
To format your role ads on the Volunteer Website, you need to use something called HTML. Without HTML, your role description will appear as one long block of text, which is hard to read and digest. To help with this, you can copy and paste one of the templates...
Manage your Applications
Managing your applications Keeping up with your account shouldn't be too much of a chore! The website is easy to use and you just need to remember a couple of key things to make things run smoothly and bring new people into your team: Make sure you regularly ...
Climate Crisis Quiz
This interactive quiz is designed to engage the public in thinking about the climate and ecological crisis and then taking action. If designed to be used online via social media posts or perhaps suggesting that rebels add it to their email signatures. BUT you...
Fake Coal
Fake coal is obviously a really useful prop for fossil fuel focused actions. Lots of different types have been made: Edible fake coal Homemade Christmas Coal recipe Versions that can be thrown safely Sponges coated in thick paint Chunks of scrap polystyrene, ...
Take Part in Actions!
9. We are a nonviolent network: using nonviolent strategy and tactics as the most effective way to bring about change. 4. We openly challenge ourselves and this toxic system: leaving our comfort zones to take action for change. Some of us will undertake op...
Local Groups
Principle 10: we are based on autonomy and decentralisation We organise in small, autonomous groups distributed around the world. The aim is to balance being able to act quickly with using group wisdom when needed. Join a Local Group A Local Group (LG) is a ...
Community Groups
What are Community Groups? XR includes lots of diverse groups of people with common interests or identities, from profession, faith, life stage, or other connections and backgrounds such as ethnicity, gender or sexual identity. But fundamentally we all share ...
Volunteer to help organise the movement
Volunteers are what keeps XRUK moving! We need everyone, so we're sure everyone will be able to find a role to suit them! Roles are available that need a range of skills, personality types, and time commitments. Most roles with XRUK are online, but Region and ...
Organising can cost a lot! Extinction Rebellion relies on people like you to keep up the fight and our hope is that you choose to become involved with XR in whatever way you can. As you can imagine, trying to save the planet is pretty costly. Fossil fuel compa...
Other organisations and further reading
You can find loads more information from XRUK's Citizen's Assembly Working Group (CAWG) on the XRUK Website. Democracy Next: Checkout their Assembling an Assembly Guide for a really good explanation of how an assembly works KNOCA - Knowledge Network on Clima...
Basic standards for organizing citizens’ assemblies
These standards are from Citizens' Assemblies - a guide to democracy that works by Marcin Gerwin 1. Random selection of participants All members of a citizens’ assembly are selected by lot. Ideally, every member of the population eligible to take part in a ci...