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172 total results found


Here Comes Everyone - Strategy

Extinction Rebellion’s bridge building and collaboration with an ever-widening cohort of change movements and demographics will see the climate and democracy space transform. We will spearhead a complete sea-change. Our work thus far has been largely character...

Regular Action

Insure our Survival Take Action

We know that it takes regular action to shift insurers. You don’t always have to be on the streets, there are a range of tactics you can use to do this. Warning Shot All campaigns start by giving a target an opportunity to do the right thing before the campaig...

Direct Action

Insure our Survival Take Action

If outreach isn’t leading to a commitment from an insurer, it’s time to turn up the heat. There are a number of ways that you can do this, but a combination of them often works well. It’s best not to do them all at once, but to spread them out over a couple o...

Take Action From Home

Insure our Survival Take Action

Do It At Home/Digital Rebellion Use various ways to show public concern around your campaign: Mass email and phone calling action targeting Managing Agent CEOs - get numbers, and ideally don’t do it just once. Gather support from other groups in your area, an ...

Frontline Struggles

Insure our Survival

Stop EACOP The East African Crude Oil Pipeline is a heated oil pipeline currently under construction. Once completed, it will stretch for almost 1,443 kilometres across Tanzania and Uganda – making it the longest heated crude oil pipeline in the world. The pip...

What happens next?

Miscellaneous Massembly Resources

We hope that you have enjoyed taking part in the Massembly, and experiencing first-hand what it feels like to participate in deliberative democracy! Hopefully you should now have a clearer idea about how democracy could be upgraded and what XR is doing about i...

Summary of Results

Miscellaneous Massembly Resources

Here are some preliminary results from Saturday 31st August's in-person and online Massemblies. We will continue to update as further phases of the Massembly occur. Over 450 people took part in our incredible Massembly at Upgrade Democracy, to discuss the ques...

Have your say via

Miscellaneous Massembly Resources

Thank you for taking part in the Massembly. Please follow these steps: 1. Info cards Read the Massembly information cards 2. Vote Follow this link to to vote. Spend 15 mins online, voting (Agree/Disagree/Unsure) on as many democracy and personal stateme...

Political - Speak to your MP at Parliament

Design Ideas for Actions Design Elements

How to 'Green-Card' your MP to speak to them in person If you happen to be around the Houses of Parliament you can green-card your MP. For times, try calling the Commons Enquiry line on 020 7219 4272. What you need to do: Go through the Cromwell Green entranc...

Prepare for Action

Directory of Talks and Training

Nonviolent Direct Action training has evolved! Prepare for Action [PfA] is now 1.5hrs, focusses on the essentials and what we all need to know when taking part in any XR activity. NEXT TRAINING via Zoom<BR> Sunday 22nd September 10am - 11.30am REGISTER HERE We...

Feedback and Learning

Upgrade Democracy

Feedback from this event can be submitted here This action was successful in many ways and an inital summary is here on the UK website. A summary from the feedback survey from nearly 1000 individuals from our UK emails list (both attendees and non-attendees) ...

Campaign Ethos

Insure our Survival Take Action

The quickest, surest way to disrupt Oil, Gas & Coal in the UK is to target dirty insurers. So let’s work together to push them as hard as we can as fast as we can. It’s late in the day but we know this works. “We welcome everyone and every part of everyone” th...