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Using Email Lists

Action Network

XRUK uses a network of email lists, via a software system called 'Action Network'. In simple terms the UK list comprises of Nation/Region lists which in turn comprise of Local Groups. All new sign ups within this system flow 'up' to the UK list which can then reach everyone around the movement.

This makes the XR UK list a powerful way to communicate, engage and mobilise people with a wide variety of ‘asks’; from donating money, to signing up to open calls or roles fayres, or to mobilise towards large actions. These emails are coordinated by a UK email team who connect to all the other UK-wide teams.

Although Local Groups are automonous, it's highly advised to be part of this network. Action Network Local Group lists are advertised via 'Join Group' buttons on our Local Group map on the UK website and also now the Global website map too. Also when someone joins the UK email list on the UK website, then get a welcome email encouraging them to sign up to a Local Group list via the map.

You can get access to and use your part of the system e.g a Nation/Region or Local Group list. Email lists are also available to help coordinate work for other parts of the movement such as Rebel Ringers or Stewards teams.

Benefits and uses of our email lists

Emails tend to generate a good-sized response for an event, training, survey, talk or action- usually much better than messaging channels or social media. You can also use 'forms' to help you sign people up to events.

For information and support: