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Movement Calendar

🔹 View the Calendar and Events Map on the XRUK Website.

🔹 Click here to access the calendar on TeamUp.

🔹 Click here to access all the resources regarding the calendar and event map on the Rebel Toolkit.

Got something to add?

You can submit entries to the Movement Calendar here - or you go via your area’s calendar admin (it could be your regional Gardener or coordinator). Alternatively, you could learn how to use the Calendar and add events to it yourself.

Please make sure details are accurate to avoid publishing wrong info. It is the responsibility of the group/person submitting the form to make sure that any changes are updated in the calendar directly and quickly communicated to the email team if it relates to a UK action/event where the change of info might impact other teams via: Mattermost Reception | Email:

Navigate the calendar

The calendar is divided into sub-calendars. View these by opening the link then click on the left-hand drop-down to reveal colour bars representing:

  • Actions - UK wide / UK significance (A UK-wide action or campaign): This needs to be agreed with Action Circle and have UK-wide locations and/or media impact. Eg. Dirty Water, The Big One.
  • Actions - National/Regional/Local (Regional, Local, National actions): The majority of Actions will fall into this category. Coordinated by Local Groups, Communities or temporary Action teams. E.g. March on the Mine, Wales
  • Actions - Non-XRUK (Non-XR action): These are actions supported by XR and take the form of collaborative, allied organisation and/or Sister Movement actions. E.g. Fossil Free London, Housing Rebellion. NB: Make sure the organisation has given consent to publish on XR’s calendar.
  • Key Dates - XR (Key XR Internal Dates): E.g. Rebellion dates, Open Calls
  • Key Dates - External: Eg. World Cup Final, Local/National Election
  • Talks, Trainings & workshops
  • Meetings - Local

The calendar also uses emoticons to differentiate each type of event. .

You can view the whole calendar or any part(s) of it. As well as the sub-calendars detailed above, tThere are various filters available to help you find an event, for example, by region or action support role. Check this chapter to learn more about using the calendar.

Please note that secret events are not included in the public view.