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Local Paint The Streets Campaigns

Can I create my own campaign?

Consider the messaging and targets carefully eg. the funders and profiteers of climate and ecological destruction; the government, corporations and the bank system.
Make sure you give consideration to how your campaign fits into the current movement strategy. Consider the impact of the messaging, as well as how it will be interpreted by society as a whole.

How to set up a Paint the Streets group?

  • Work with your local and/or regional group coordinators, as they will be able to support you through the process and it helps build our network for future campaigns.
  • Find some Rebels in your local group that want to join. You can also take action with your affinity group or by yourself.
  • Create a group chat to plan and share ideas: Signal is the recommended platform for ‘spicy’ actions; Telegram for broadcasting information to your group.
  • Join the UK Paint The Streets Telegram chat to share images and be part of a supportive community. Images and videos will be picked up from the chats to share on social media platforms.

Planning a local campaign:

  • Work up the messaging and logistics before sending out the campaign. Align your messaging with the current UK messaging and set out a budget.
  • Leave a month preparation for any big campaign. Rebels need lead time to get into a project idea and see if it works alongside other actions.
  • Leave minimum 2 weeks to print and distribute materials in your area… this needs a coordinator with time to manage the project.
  • Create an action event to rally rebels round a date and purpose.
  • Give time for rebels to plan for this around other actions.

Is there funding available for materials?

Funding for printing and distribution of posters currently usually comes through Regional rather than Arts budgets. If there is no funding available there are some options available to you:
  • Raise the money required for materials within your community.
  • Check out the list of local groups to make contact with those nearby to you and see if they have any materials you can share. Pooling resources is key where possible.