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Lost at Sea? Start Here ⬅️
How to navigate the Dirty Water book Wave 6 is focussed on building communities around water to t...
WATER PRESSURE ~ a Citizens' Assembly on Water
Let's step forward as stewards of our water commons The ultimate goal of Dirty Water Wave 6 is ...
What to do if you registered but were unable to join?
Sorry that you were unable to come to our workshop. We missed you. Nonviolent Direct Action is on...
Flyers and Posters
Flyers Three flyer designs used over the week of action in Autumn 2024. If you need these flyers...
Fin-ancialisation 🦈
England's water is highly financialised. How did we get here and what does it mean? A brief hist...
What can help make a team healthy within XR?
Introduction It is often hard to put your finger on what exactly your team culture is or isn’t. W...
Ecology 🐬🦋🦭
We are 60% water, our brains 80% In mineral composition, the water in our cells is comparable to...
Ceremony | Water is Life
Word Cloud created from The Symbolism Of Fish: Exploring Different Cultures And Meanings Cre...
Messaging and Design
Insurance is the Achilles heel of the global fossil fuel industry. It’s what gives companies such...
IOS 2024 actions - feedback
This IOS FEEDBACK SURVEY allows you to give feedback on the Insure Our Survival week of action an...
Ceremony Ideas | Water is Life
Ideas and Assets to Create Your Ceremony On this page you will find many ideas for your water c...
Festivals can provide a great opportunity for outreach, as they bring together large numbers of p...
Tension Shifting Session
The facilitator needs to read the facilitation tips before the session. Pre meeting - Agree the f...
Healthy Teams Workshop
This workshop is designed to be used as a tool by any team that wants to run a health check on th...
Exit Process
Emergency Summary Help I need to step back! Step 1 Tell your Coordinator. Step 2 Fill out This D...
Creating Intentional Cultures
Group agreements These allow us to understand our shared values as a team and how we would like t...
Building Trust
The strengthening of relationships, key to healthy team working, requires moving towards greater ...
Additional Learning
More Resources If you are seeking one to one advice on how to organise or run your assembly, one ...
Resources to Run an Assembly
Local Group Pack Why run an assembly What to think about before launching your assembly What tr...
Script For In-Person Community Assembly
This script has been written to help you organise a community assembly. Please note that this scr...