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GDPR and Personal Data

Intro to Technical and Data Services

What is GDPR? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It’s the UK version of EU data ...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

Community Groups

Get Involved! Get Involved in Your Community

What are Community Groups? XR includes lots of diverse groups of people with common interests or ...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

Training and Support

Finance and Fundraising

Fundraising workshops on Zoom Regular workshops will cover the content of this Rebel Toolkit boo...

Updated 4 months ago by Lisa KM Hill

Contactless/Card Payments

Finance and Fundraising Fundraising Methods

Contactless/card payment devices are very helpful for fundraising, now that fewer people carry ca...

Updated 4 months ago by Lisa KM Hill

Activities and Events just for Fundraising

Finance and Fundraising Fundraising Methods

Activities just for fundraising You might have people in your group who are up for running fundra...

Updated 4 months ago by Lisa KM Hill

Local Groups

Get Involved! Get Involved in Your Community

Principle 10: we are based on autonomy and decentralisation We organise in small, autonomous gro...

Updated 4 months ago by Kay

Coordination of your group

Starting & Developing your Local Group SOS for Local Groups

If you have a small group or are just starting one, you’ll need a few people who are doing the ba...

Updated 4 months ago by Kay

How to do media for an action

M&M Get Started Organise Media & Messaging for your group

Press Press responsibilities and dealing directly with the media can seem daunting to many, but o...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

Media & Messaging Check List

M&M Get Started Organise Media & Messaging for your group

Media & Messaging is a very important job when planning an action. If you don't talk about what y...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

Movement Calendar

M&M Get Started How to get your content promoted by XR UK

🔹 View the Calendar and Events Map on the XRUK Website. 🔹 Click here to access the calendar on T...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

Adding Calendar Events - Calendar Editor

Other Online Tech Tools Movement Calendar and Events Map

Adding Calendar Events - Directly in TeamUp If you only rarely add events to the calendar, it is ...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

Useful Tools & Templates

Action Support Action Wellbeing

More Resources for Action Wellbeing volunteers PDF Wellbeing Handbook- a deeper guide into the d...

Updated 4 months ago by Kay


Get Involved!

Organising can cost a lot! Extinction Rebellion relies on people like you to keep up the fight an...

Updated 4 months ago by Kay

Help organise the movement

Get Involved!

Volunteers are what keeps XRUK moving! We need everyone, so we're sure everyone will be able to f...

Updated 4 months ago by HG


How We Work Together Our Culture

Principle 10. We are based on autonomy and decentralisation: we collectively create the structur...

Updated 4 months ago by HG

Welcome to XR

The Essentials

Hello and Welcome! You may have been motivated to join us because you've decided that you must ta...

Updated 4 months ago by HG

Resources and Contacts

UK Actions Strategy Last Saturday of the Month - Sep 2023-F...

NOTE: This Strategy has been replaced at the end of February 2024 by the new Actions Strategy- Pa...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

What to do right now

UK Actions Strategy Last Saturday of the Month - Sep 2023-F...

NOTE: This Strategy has been replaced at the end of February 2024 by the new Actions Strategy- Pa...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

Strategic Action Ingredients

UK Actions Strategy Last Saturday of the Month - Sep 2023-F...

NOTE: This Strategy has been replaced at the end of February 2024 by the new Actions Strategy- Pa...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma

State Repression

UK Actions Strategy Last Saturday of the Month - Sep 2023-F...

NOTE: This Strategy has been replaced at the end of February 2024 by the new Actions Strategy- Pa...

Updated 4 months ago by Emma