Recently Updated Pages
Rebel for Truth (17 Sep)
Building resiliance and diversity ...
The Big One (5 Mar)
Slides and recording Here are the slides from the Open Call on March 5th and also you an watch...
The Big One (12 Feb)
Slides and recording Here are the Open Call slides and also you can watch the recording on Yo...
Creating your event: Tickets, Payouts and Refunds
New costs since 2023s Big One Since the big one, Eventbrite has since added new costs for paid-fo...
Creating your event: first steps and basic info page
You can create an Eventbrite account by following this link and clicking si...
Sharing Events, Calendars or Maps
Sharing an Event from the Calendar From within an event details window, click 'Share' and then 'A...
Planning your flyposting action Check out this general guidance for how to organise all sorts of...
What is Subvertising? Subvertising is the practice of lighting up the streets with spoofs or par...
Resources for Local Group Recruitment
Survey Boards are a great outreach tool for creating a visual presence on the street to engage pa...
SOS Facilities on the Hub
This section describes how the Hub helps to implement the principles of Self-Organising Systems w...
Summary of Key Links
Software ArrestWatch Arrest report: Release report: https://arrestw...
Contributing action resources to the Rebel Toolkit
If you have resources, templates, photos or guidance about actions that aren't already in this pa...
Stencils & Murals
Stencilling How do I make a stencil? Paris68redux have created a and comprehensive guide on ste...
Banner Drops
You can find lots of details about organising Banner Drops here.
Paint the Streets Slogans
A wide range of slogans have been used by XR over the years. Here are some of the most successful...
What is Paint The Streets?
Paint the Streets is an ongoing creative campaign, breaking social norms to raise awareness abou...
Self Care / Self Preservation
Having decided to join this group, please do not feel under any pressure to respond to all types ...
Ideas & other training
How to do Digital Outreach and Troll Patrol Web site, XR Scotland The Nervous Rebel’s Guide t...
Video Guides to help you learn
This page contains links to video content that can be shared with your local groups to help get t...
Get involved in XRUK - apply for the Foundation Programme
The Foundation Programme provides a solid understanding of our work and is useful for anyone simp...