Recently Updated Pages
Good Practice in Communicating with Disabled People
The following information is a guide to issues which affect different groups of people with impai...
Communication Checklist
Written communication Is text colour contrasted with background? Is typeface sans serif? Is t...
Flyers Tailored for Local Groups
A non-dated flyer to use locally These could be used at actions, events, stalls, on the street du...
Unite to Survive / Rebel for Truth Download these and many more posters here. Classic Posters T...
Rebel For Truth To print these sticker - download the print-quality files here. Themed stickers ...
General and Event Specific Flyers
Ready to print flyers for themes, actions and general climate and ecological messaging. Please do...
Start Here
This document is a quick guide to get you started with using XR's UK online communication tools f...
Mattermost Moderation
What is Moderation, why do we need it and who does it? These questions arise with any open chat s...
Create a Rebellion Academy Training
First, please watch the Video Guide. Title of lesson/section Please remember that each lesson sh...
Train the Street Speakers
This guide contains everything you need to train Street Speakers Guidance Notes and Script for ...
Train the Trainer (to train Street Speakers)
Watch on Youtube here - video guide (39mins)
How to Guides
Create Recurring Registration Zoom Links | Send Reminder Emails | Publicise Your Events Video Gui...
Script Template for new trainings
Use this script template for online delivery. Add timings, the speaker(s) name(s), script and tec...
Red Rebels
The Red Rebels are an international performance artivist troupe illuminating the global environme...
4. Training
Training mainly comprises videos and documentation, supplemented by live sessions via Zoom. Writt...
Court supporters
This page is about supporting at plea hearings and at magistrates cout trials. It describes the ...
Police Station Supporters (PSS)
Role of Police Station Supporters (PSSs) Greet and emotionally support arrestees as they leave t...
Back Office support for an action
Back Office consists of a group of trained volunteers. The main functions of Back Office during ...
How to request a Legal Observer for a protest
Legal observers have a vital role to play in supporting the right to protest. But what exactly do...
Witnessing a stop and search
When attending a protest it is important to be prepared to witness, or even be subject to, a stop...