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How to find events using the Calendar

Click here to access the calendar on TeamUp. You can view it either in a browser, or in the TeamUp App on a mobile device.
Below is a summary of the basic uses of the tool. For a full guide, see the TeamUp documentation

Event Summary

Hover your mouse pointer over an event and you will see a summary of the event information.

Event Details

Click on an event title and you will see all the event information
Note particularly the Register Link box and the small icon to the bottom right of it. Click here and a new tab will open for you to contact the event coordinator or register for the event.

Searching/Filtering Events

You might want to see just events related to a particular topic or group or location. Simply enter text into the Filter box (where it says 'by keyword')

If you enter any word it will show all events with that word somewhere in the event information.
If you want to seach for a phrase, enclose it in quotes "dirty water" Otherwise it will find events with either word in it "Dirty" OR "Water" which is probably not what you wanted.
You can also search for icons in the events - some common icons are displayed below the filter box and you can copy these from there eg drumming 🥁
You can also search for events flagged as related to a specific Region/Nation (or UK Wide events)
And events that involve specific Action Support roles.

Calendar Views

There are multiple ways of viewing the calendar information:
Usually the 4 Weeks (grid) view, or the Agenda (list) view are used.

Date Range

Depending on the view you have selected you will have the option to pick a display date range, you can always return to a view based on today by clicking the Today button

Sub Calendar

Select one or more of these as appropriate:

  • Actions - UK-wide/UK Significance: These need to be passed by Actions Carousel and have UK-wide locations and/or media impact. E.g. Dirty Water, Insure our Survival.
  • Actions - National/Regional/Local: The majority of Actions will fall into this category. Coordinated by Local Groups, Communities or temporary Action teams. E.g. Protests, Occupations, Marches, Rallies, Vigils, Pickets
  • Actions - Non-XRUK: These take the form of collaborative, allied organisation and/or Sister Movement actions. E.g. Fossil Free London, Housing Rebellion.
  • Key Dates - XR:
  • Key Dates - External E.g. World Cup Final, Local/National Election
  • Talks, Training and workshops: events usually hosted online although some are face to face, E.g. Online training, Film showing
  • Meetings - Local: Mostly social and organising events in a town or community, E.g. XR Local Group meeting, Climate Cafe

Please note that secret events are not included in the public view.