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Twitter / X

Social Media Social media guides

Homepage We won't introduce the whole platform here, only the tools you might need. Notifications: other accounts have interacted with you (like, comments...) Messages: these are private, unless they are group messages (in that case they can only be read by...

How to write a press release

Press and Spokesperson

A press release is a written document you will send to your local or regional media that contains a description of your action, your message and quotes from participants. This page offers a step-by-step tutorial with recorded videos to learn to write a press r...

Press release templates

Press and Spokesperson

Generic and tailored templates. And also some examples that resulted in publications. Templates Generic template COP 26 edition Community Assemblies (workshop and notes) Examples and publications Make Amazon Pay - November 2021 Press release Publica...

Photos for the press

Press and Spokesperson

You need quality photos fast. So you need to prepare: who is taking photos, how are they getting them to you, and do they know what photos to get? Read this page and brief your photographers before your action, so everything runs smootly on the day.

Press contacts lists

Press and Spokesperson

This is a list of all the media lists for the UK Nations & Regions currently held by XRUK M&M. These spreadsheets are "read only" to avoid anyone messing with them but they are collaborative tools. If you want to edit one, please get in touch with your regiona...

How to take great photos

Photography, Videography and Livestream

Content In a great image, a viewer can immediately get the message you want them to understand without reading any supporting text. What story does your image tell? What energy does it convey, what emotion? Think of these elements when taking photos. Top Tips ...

Share your photos

Photography, Videography and Livestream

There are two ways to contribute your photos: direct to the XR Media Library ‘Picture Desk’ or via XRUK Live Action Content Telegram channel. 🔹 Professionals and competent amateurs should upload directly to the XR Media Library - 'Picsio'. 🔹 Less confident ama...

How to take great videos

Photography, Videography and Livestream

Basic principles Videography follows many of the same principles as photography, but you might vary how you do it depending on what the video is being used for. Audio is important - Try to get a quiet location or use headphones with a microphone to get better ...

How to livestream

Photography, Videography and Livestream Livestreaming

Start here if you want to learn how to livestream an action! Get started Here are a few questions to ask yourself before visiting our other pages on the subject. 🔹 When? When is the action? When does it need to be livestreamed? (for example: a specific speech...

Interview & Presentating skills

Photography, Videography and Livestream Livestreaming

Get ready to present a livestream and interview participants with these slides.

What is Media & Messaging?

M&M Get Started

Do you want to make your group, event or action more visible and reach more people? M&M (for short) is all about public comms: promoting XR's work, actions and events, using social media and traditional media such as newspapers. It's about raising awareness of...

The Big One (12 Feb)

Open Calls 2023

Slides and recording Here are the Open Call slides and also you can watch the recording on YouTube

What is Action Support?

Action Support

In order to succeed, actions need to be planned with a surrounding web of support. ‘Support’ means rebels in low-arrest-risk roles take on responsibilities before, during and after the action, which vary according to the action design. These can include: liai...

Spokesperson (doing media interviews)

Press and Spokesperson

Check out these training slides (including the slide notes). You can also watch this 1-hour training video. Get preparing What is the one message you want to get across in this interview? What do you hope the person who is listening will remember? What do you...

Moderation & Community Management

Social Media

General Guidelines Moderating entails keeping the comments on posts positive and constructive by answering the argumentative ones, hiding or deleting comments that are too bad or negative, and engaging with trolls or people being rude, to get them to follow th...

Applying for an email account

Other Online Tech Tools Applying for and using extinctionrebell...

This page explains which groups are eligible for XR email addresses, and how groups can apply. Is your group eligible? The following types of group may be issued with email addresses : region/nation groups local groups region/nation wo...

The Vault

Other Online Tech Tools

The Vault is a password manager hosted by XR using BitWarden/Vaultwarden software. It is a place for XR groups to securely store and share the passwords to their online accounts. What is a password manager? A password manager is a tool that lets you store all ...

How to Use Mattermost

The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums Mattermost

Read this document to get familiar with Mattermost. It is used to communicate with XR groups as well as have 1-to-1 conversations. You can also watch this video for a general introduction to Mattermost and its benefits. KEY INFO: Channels = Group chats Teams ...


The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums

What are UK Forums? UK Forums have a slightly different purpose to Mattermost – here's a summary: Mattermost is for: instant chat, that may sometimes be lost in the stream of messages asking someone for help finding a person or Group Forums are for: focused...

The Cloud

The Hub, Mattermost, Cloud and Forums

What is UK Cloud? UK Cloud is a place for Extinction Rebellion members to create, store, and share documents securely with each another. With it, you can collaboratively edit Office documents, making it a great alternative to tools such as Google Docs or Micro...