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555 total results found
What is Nonviolent Direct Action / Communication?
...person.” - Miki Kashtan What is Nonviolent Direct Action? Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA) is a strategy of organis groups to put your bodies in direct contact with or to directly oppose a force that you see a ...w them now developed out of the Nonviolent campaigns to end British rule o...
Direct Action
...ment' to guide us whilst taking nonviolent direct action. Letter Delivery Action This action involves hand-delivering a dema ...e of the execs, that’s it. This action design is for Tue 29th and Wed ...plicated in other places. BASIC ACTION Collect an envelope with a dem...
IOS 2024 actions - feedback
...the Insure Our Survival week of action and then, once collated, the re ...l groups people who attended an action people who didn't attend an action (we are keen to understand reas ...attend) people who took digital actions from home Analysis Feedback i...
Who are XR? And Why Direct Action?
... worldwide movement which uses nonviolent direct action (NVDA) to force those in power ...t out of time to change course. Direct Action (also known as civil disobedien ...ned the vote for women by their actions. We act now for the sake of a ...n Learn more about the need for direct action on our website: So what ...
Directory of Talks and Training
Many talks, workshops and training sessions are delivered regularly via Zoom. You may also find links to recordings of previously trainings to watch at your leisure.
Cancel Your Direct Debit or Boycott Your Water Bill?
...nconvenience by cancelling your direct debit and paying by bank transf ...g an old-fashioned cheque. Take action with Cancel for Clean Water. Ma ... want to find out more and take action - the Don't Pay for Dirty Water campaign started last year which is n...
Creating Accessible Actions
... from a disabled rebel: “Making actions accessible is the simple act o contains a checklist to help action planners consider possible barr ...d accessibility are embedded in action planning and design. Diversity ...the time. This page focusses on actions, but remember that diversity, ...
The Strategy
...5 Detailed strategy Love in Action Tell Our Own Stories Community ...ission is to ignite and sustain nonviolent rebellion, to disrupt systems c ...ontention and creativity in our actions Sowing the seeds of cultural m ...ned through years of determined action. The future depends on what we ...
Take Part in Actions
...aving our comfort zones to take action for change. 9. We are a nonviolent network: using nonviolent strategy and tactics as the mos ...undertake open (“above ground”) actions that risk arrest and charges ( ... to take these risks). Join an action Actions are the raison d'etre o...
Comms for your action (internal)
When planning an action, you need to think about: How ...upporters to participate in the action (that's what this page is about ... want people to turn up to your action, you need to win them over. Tha ...ils. You need to thnk about the Action Identity (the design, branding,...
How to do messaging and media for an action
...ssaging and public media for an action, including working with the pre ...s going on. More on that in the Actions shelf, here. There's also chec ...sfying isn't it? 😄). M&M for an action: Checklist This check list will ...r before, during and after your action. Disclaimer: not all these task...
Post Action Blues - a Guide to coming down to earth
...d the conversation. Through the action we take as a movement we contin ...rative culture and regenerative action cycles are what can support thi ...n the individuals involved. The action doesn’t end when you leave the ... the immediate aftermath of the action, and often can build over time ...
Initial action design
...lan. So you have an idea for an action or you picked one up from Desig ...n Ideas for Actions or the Action Themes. And hopefully you’ve go ... its simplest form, non-violent direct action is a means of delivering a mess ...outcome. The early design of an action has five elements: The outcom...
Daily Action Plans
...ment' to guide us whilst taking nonviolent direct action. Watch the XRUK livestream on Y ...o insurers 14 days ahead of the action. Key facts on insurance, floodi ...ily and to do outreach at these actions, or maybe even speak to the li ...8-30 October) Key info Overview Actions take place from Monday to Wedn...
What is Action Support?
In order to succeed, actions need to be planned with a surr before, during and after the action, which vary according to the action design. These can include: liai ... This book outlines the various Action Support responsibilities, to he ...u’re looking for guidance on an action you are planning see our Action...
How to Use Mattermost
...s = collection of Channels DM = Direct Message 1 person or up to 7 peo ... can discuss things that aren't directly related to the business of th ... will be sent to the Channel or Direct Message you are currently in. A ...e and may annoy people. Sending Direct Messages (7) To send someone a ...
Action Ideas
...e-catching elements of previous actions include: Fake oil has played ...inent part in many Cut the Ties actions. It not only highlights and re ...adds an element of drama to the action, adds spice which means the pol ...h you to make it right for your action!) (How to Convert a Fire Exting...
Follow-up information for Prepare for Action workshop attendees
...h for coming to the Prepare for Action workshop. It is one of the foun For key UK-wide messages on actions and rebellions: Rebellion Broa ...f you want to rebel online take action on the Digital Rebellion websit ...e about other sessions, use the Directory of Talks & Training Talks a...
Strategic Action Ingredients
...end of February 2024 by the new Actions Strategy- Pathway to Rebellion ...public disruption. Let’s choose action targets that make immediate sen ...eadlines with little resources. Actions against local ties to fossil f ... employment. 3. Accountability. Nonviolent direct action is a broad catego...
UK Actions Strategy
XRUK Actions Strategies to increase partici ...pation in Nonviolent Direct Action to achieve our demands.
Prepare for Action
We choose to practice Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA) out of principle and because it is proven to be more successful in creating a stable transition than other kinds of resistance. NVDA is also more inclusive, attracting people from wider segments of society....
Potential Targets & Action Ideas
...cies in our rivers. Dirty Water Action Pack Rebellious Rewilding Rebel ...ilding is a great way to have a direct impact on your life and your lo ...Though it may be hard to have a direct impact, even sharing informatio ...onment. Heatstrike Website Take Action at Home Check out these ideas t...
Photography at Actions
If the media attend your actions they won't rely on you to get ...o. The behind the scenes of the action is as interesting at the action itself. Think about how the con ...or group chat (ideally the Live Action Content Telgram channel). The L ...ive Action Content Telegram is the default...
04. Actions
Everything to help you plan and execute your own action (before, during and after). In ...formation on attending an action as a participant, volunteering an Action Support role and arrestee and l ...ical design elements and taking action from home.
Themes for Actions
...of the Toolkit is a showcase of action ideas on themes. These are not ...necessarily full action packs, but are here to inspire ...ide resources to build your own actions around the same themes. Ch ...tion of the Toolkit for our big action packs for campaigns like Dirty ...
Design Ideas for Actions
Creative and practical elements to add to your action designs. These elements can be ...used in actions focusing on a variety of issue ...s. See 'Themes for Actions' for ideas that only work for one issue.
Action Planning
Before, During and After an Action - what do you need to think abo ...ut when planning your action
Planning the action
All you need to know about action design and planning, so you can ... design and execute your own action
Action Wellbeing
Action Wellbeing supports the physical ...eing of everyone involved in XR actions
Planning an action?
The majority of the things you need to think about are in the Action Planning book, elsewhere on the ...rrestee and legal support at an action. - Legal Observer support - Back Office support
All Porpoise Actions
Find action designs in the Waves however th ...ere are more beautiful actions to showcase!
Take Action on Citizens' Assemblies
This Action Pack is packed with ideas on ho ...w to design actions focused on Citizens' Assemblies for your group.
Action Support
Volunteer roles to support actions : stewarding, well-being, protest liaison, production, outreach and more!
IOS Week of Action
Starting 28th Oct in London and also UK wide. Insure Our Survival campaign's week of action targeted at the insurance industry.
Action Network for XR
XRUK's mailing system containing separate 'email lists' for Nations & Regions, Local Groups, Campaigns, Volunteers, Talks and Training, all connected in one big 'network'. This book contains guidance for how to become an admin of a list, to send emails, how...
Participating in Actions
Writing and Sending Emails on Action Network
Technical, style, content and accessibility advice. Plus automatic welcome emails.
Known Issues and Error Messages with Action Network
After an action
Debriefs; tidying up on the ground and virtually; regeneration and rest
Take Action - ongoing
Photography, Videography and Livestream
...ontribute your photos to XR UK, directly to the XR Media Library ‘Pict ...ure Desk’ or via XRUK Live Action Content Telegram channel. Please avoid using Google Drive, Dropbox etc.. as the team doesn't have the capacity to download, upload and manage your s...
Dirty Water
Dive in! Take direct action to demand clean water: - Climate change and nature loss should inform planning nationally and locally - To treat water as a precious natural life-source - The creation of legal Rights of Nature for all natural entities - The end...
XRUK 2025-26 Strategy
Discover our roadmap for the journey ahead, to spark and sustain a spirit of creative, nonviolent rebellion.
Data Stream
Oppor-tuna-ties to make your actions effective
Events, Forms and Surveys
These are called 'actions' in Action Network jargon.
05. Talks and Training
...others, before shaping your own action. TTWs can be attended, delivered or developed by you and your group using the resources on the Talks & Training Shelf. If there's something we need to add, remove or explain, contact us at pathways@extinctionreb...
12. Archive
Open Calls and older resources and info from actions packs etc which could be useful to refer to, reflect upon, reuse, recycle!
Paint The Streets
Our longstanding flyposting & subvertising campaign. A great low-risk first NVDA action.
Insure Our Future
ARCHIVED BOOK : Successful action targeting the global insurance industry is concentrated in the City of London in February 2024.
For anyone with access needs or volunteers planning XR events and actions.
Various resources - messaging, actions and more - filed by year
Feedback and Learning
Collation of movement-wide surveys and feedback from specific actions
Block Printing
XR Art Blockers have developed these facilities to help you provide prints for your actions !
Reports and Viewing Activist Data
Information on how to access and collect data on rebels in the Action Network system
Extra information for people wanting to dig a little deeper in to what Action Network is capable of.
Everything you might want to know about stewarding events, actions, marches.
... invite non-XR people to your event (and therefore don't want to use XR's Action Network email list) You can set up email responses and pre-event reminder emails with info for ticket holders and also set limits to numbers of tickets at different prices.
Welcome to XR For New Joiners
... the mailing list, or joined an action or an XR group? Share your experience in an interview with a researcher! They would like to hear how you experienced the initial contact and spending time with XR. As reimbursement for this online interview (max. 60 m...
Design Packs
For rebellions, specific actions or events