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Adding Calendar Events - Submit a Form

You can submit entries to the Movement Calendar here

Alternatively, you can request that the information is added by your area’s calendar admin (this may be your Regional Gardener, M&M Coordinator or someone nominated from your group or community).

Visit the list of current Calendar Admins to find the Admin for your Region, Nation or group (requires a hub login).

Updating / Correcting Calendar Events

Please make sure details are accurate to avoid publishing incorrect information. It is the responsibility of the group/person submitting the form to make sure that any changes are updated in the calendar (either by submitting a fresh form with comments that this is an update, or by contacting a Calendar Admin, or by contacting the Admin Team using the links below)
Calendar Mattermost Reception | Email:

In addition, if you require an update to a UK action/event where the change of info might impact other teams, contact the M&M and email team ASAP via
M&M Mattermost Reception or Email: