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Supporting your new rebels

Access needs

Find out about your new rebel's access needs and safeguardingany concerns.other ways they may need to be kept safe. These may include any disclosed disability that might affect their participation in our community (such as the use of assistive technologies to read emails and the web) as well as participation in events (such as physical access needs, mental-health issues and dietary or other invisible needs).

Gathering this information must always take account of someone's right not to disclose anything, as well as their need of proper support if they do disclose something.

SafeguardingKeeping each other safe

SafeguardingAny isorganisation aneeds legalto requirementkeep forits anymembers organisation,safe, and we need to make sure that we know if anyone in our community might be classed as vulnerable. And, in particular, whether anyone has disclosable safeguarding concerns (e.g. failed DBS checks).

If you find any safeguarding concerns related to a Rebel (a)whether about their needs or about their potential impact on other Rebels), you may need to draw up a support plansplan canso be drawn up where needed, and (b) otherthat Rebels can be protected from anyone who might harm them, either deliberately or accidentally.

SupportYou Plan


Producedraw up a support plan ifin needed.consultation Once you have gathered any needswith the new Rebel haswho foris support,its youfocus, should provide them with a support plan toand assure them what we want them to take part and haveare providedaiming to provide them with the support they need to do this.this safely.

Where else can rebels get support?

Please signpost your New Rebels to the pages How do we care for one another? and How do we protect one another? in the Rebel Next Steps Pack where they can access information on:

  • The Trained Emotional Support Network
  • Grief Tending
  • Self-care
  • XR Community Groups
  • XR Open Homes
  • National Helplines

Please check your New Rebels have read How do we protect one another? in the Rebel Next Steps Pack and understand the behaviour they are expected to follow.